Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Omar's POV

My mum and Amira has went in the room where Habibah is, while I stay out. I know that it's just not permissible for me to go in, even though there are many people there, even some guys, but they're younger than my age.

Soon enough, Yusuf and Yaqub come out, but this time they don't seem to want to have a conversation with me, which I take it as an okay. Although deep down inside, I know that it is something weird as they pass by me and even glance at me, but don't stop to even say a Salaam. What is wrong?

I can't help myself but see the window as I spot her. There in bed, she sits, her slim figure is pale as she smiles at my mum, her cheeks seem to turn to red colour, as if she is blushing. I suddenly grin at the thought of my mum talking about her and I. But then again, the thought of Yaqub and Yusuf's issue is still on my head hanging like a wrecking ball. If only I have the guts to talk to them about it, I would've - but sadly I'm a coward.

"Meet us in the Hospital's cafeteria,"is what the message from Yaqub says. This is not okay, I silently think. My body stands up to leave, and I catch a glance of her eyes, before I lower my gaze like usual and leave to meet Yaqub and Yusuf.

Habibah's POV

My thoughts reminisce back to the reason why I forgot to eat dinner, which caused this sickness. Enough said, it was because of a person; Omar. I know it was wrong for me to think about him, and even now he's the main topic on my head, as if everything in this world have disappear. I'm so afraid of getting married—I'm afraid I won't be able to be a good wife.

"Assalamualaikum..."The voice of a woman interrupts my thought. Of course, just as I expect, Omar's mum is standing right in front of me with Amira.

"Waalaikumsalaam."I silently reply. Amira comes rushing to me first, her arms pulling me in a hug tightly, whispering.

"Oh my god! Get well soon my soon-to-be-sister-in-law! I swear Omar is so worried about you right now,"I have this weird tingle on my back as soon as she says 'my soon-to-be-sister-in-law-' and the last sentence. It makes me think that he does notice and care about me, unlike other guys who treat me like trash. Not that I really care about them, but that's just too rude.

"In sha Allah... Haha, that's just your assumption, Amira."She shakes her head to say no.

"No it's not! I swear, his face when he told us about your illness, it was like so pale and crazy, like he just lost something, so worried.. I think he likes you!"My mouth gapes at her as she laughs at me. From the window, I can see him sitting on the chair, but I can't see his face clearly, and I don't want to. "You're blushing! Aww, Habibah is blushing and is staring at Omar now!"

I immediately face my hands in embarrassment as everyone in the room are literally staring at me, including a little guy who keeps on looking at me every now and then. "For God's sake, don't yell that way, Amira. The wedding arrangement is still a plan, so I don't want anyone to know about it."I say to her as she nods, moving her hands to her mouth as if to say that she locks it.

"But you will marry my brother right?"I plant a questioning look on my face before answering.

"In sha Allah..."Instead of nodding, Amira shakes my whole body, literally while yelling at me.

"Oh you have to marry him! You have to marry him Habibah!"She shakes, fake-crying on my shoulders as Omar's mum approaches me.

"Salaam Biba. How are you?"

"Waalaikumsalaam. Alhamdulillah good aunty."I smile at her shortly, before she mentions about the marriage.

"Have you decided for an answer?"Have I? I question myself back.

"In sha Allah, the answer is already there."I reply with a shy smile - and caught a glimpse of Omar staring at me, before I move my gaze away. I see his face, I practically yell. That is the first time that I see his face, even though it's a quick glance. I don't expect him to be... good looking too. He is not too good looking, nor is he bad. He is in the middle. His jaws are perfectly shaped, his nose is longer than I thought it'd be. Well, because the people from our region usually have a rounded shape nose, but he's different. It's weird how I always notice people's nose, because my nose is round and not as long as the Arabians or Europeans - my nose isn't that good, but I'm glad that at least it functions properly without any problem.

"In sha Allah... How are you feeling now? Better?"I nod my head simply, feeling a bit lost as I see again to the place where Omar was sitting, but find no one there.

"Whom are you staring at? Jace?"I suddenly snap my head to the side to see Amira grinning from ear to ear. Is it that obvious that I like The Mortal Instruments series? "I love reading your quotes in Facebook you know. And you have lots from The Mortal series, so I asume you like it."

"Yeah... But Shadowhunters and the other Downworlders don't exist. At all."I smile, remembering the time when I used to fan-girl over every fantasy and Vampire stories a lot.

"It's obvious they don't exist. But hey, Jamie do exist."She wiggle her brows. "Imagine if you will marry Omar! We can talk a lot about The Mortal Instruments, watch The Vampire Diaries or Teen Wolf, or even Twilight!"This time I laugh, a real laugh. I don't know why, but it sounds perfect for me to be able to watch and blabber about your obsession of books and movies with someone who understands.

"That's a plan. In sha Allah it will happen."

"You practically agreed on marrying him."I gape.

"No, it was a positive saying."I say in a low tone.

"I thought you're more of a pessimist from your quotes."I sigh.

"I just like putting up pessimistic quotes. Although being positive is the foremost thing in my life."She nods understandably, and stay for some time, before aunty calls her to go home.

Omar's | POV

"Salaam.."I greet as I sit on the seat. Yaqub and Yusuf are calmer than before, even though I can see their eyes shooting looks at each other, which I can't figure out what type of looks are they.

"Waalaikumsalaam,"reply by the both of them. "Let's just talk to the point."I gulp. I know I have no wrong, do I?


"Look, we heard from someone that your mum has to agree for the marriage due to your force, is that true? Oh, one more thing, it's said that your interest are forced as well. Tell us which is true and which is not?"Yaqub says seriously, his eyes boring into my skull as if demanding for an honest answer. The questions stun me. I don't know if mum is forced to agree for the sake of my happiness or because of Jassim's encouragement, but I sure don't know anything.

"Fine. Well, firstly, my mum has been showing signs of approval of the marriage. But I don't know what she thinks inside her head, heart, honestly. But I can trust you that this won't be a problem. Besides, who wouldn't like to have a daughter-in-law like your sister?"They give me a brotherly protective glare, before I clear up. "Right, I mean in a good way! Allah! And as for the second question - I do have a true interest on your sister without anyone's force, trust me. And no this is not because of her looks or anything, I barely know her look, well besides today that I had a glance."I reply honestly which they reply with an approving smile.

"You're so persuasive."I frown at Yusuf's words.

"I'm not! I'm talking facts, honestly."

"Okay okay big guy."Yaqub replies with a grin as I shake my head at these two.

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