Chapter 43

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Assalamualaikum! I'm sorry I took a lot of time to update this. Yes, I know I couldn't update it in my birthday, nor the week after it. I'm really really busy noawadays. And I'm so sorry! But great news is here, so cheer okay? I'll try to update more and make this story as entertaining as possible :) Jazakumullah... BTW, thank you for the wishes :) May Allah bless us all and grant us Jannah amiin..

Habibah's POV

“You haven't dress up?” Omar eyes me in disbelief as he pulls the thobe over his head and hangs it inside the cupboard.

“Are we going somewhere?”

“Eh? Didn't I tell you that we're going to the doctor for your check up?”

“No, you didn't.” I narrow my eyes at him. Why didn't he tell me?

“Well, now you know. Get dressed, Habibah.” I nod my head and change into a sweater on top of an abaya and pin the headscarf properly before joining Omar downstairs, who's already well-dressed.

Omar's actually lucky that he's a guy and he doesn't need time to search for a long, loose and proper dress and to search for a proper, matching headscarf. He can just pick a random thobe from the wardrobe, wear it and khalas!

I grab my purse before heading out of the house. Omar follows out, locks the door behind him and opens the front-seat passenger door for me. I smile and head in before closing the door.

As soon as Omar gets in, he buckles up his seatbelt, starts the engine and drives awat from the parking lot to the hospital. Thankfully, it doesn't take a lot of time to get to the hospital. The journey takes only about twenty minutes.

When we arrive at the hospital, without any ado, Omar takes my hand towards the same room that I went. Shockingly, it's the same doctor too. Doctor Naya sits on her chair with a smile on her face, as if she is expecting us to come.

“Assalamualaikum Mrs. Habibah, how are you? I'm glad to meet you again.” She smiles.

“Waalaikumsalaam,” Omar and I reply in unison before I continue answering, “Alhamdulillah. . . It's my pleasure too.”

She smiles sweetly, nods, flips open a document and begin to talk about my checkup, “We'll have to do the same procedures again, is it okay, Mrs? Although today, we'll have a bit different style of checkup. We'll have a fetal ultrasound test as well.”

I stare at her weirdly. Isn't Ultrasonography test used only if you're already said to be pregnant?

“Don't worry! It's no harm,” she smiles. I tilt my head to look at Omar, asking him what does she mean. He just shrugs and rubs the back of my hand with his thumb.

After I get through all the test procedures, the doctor ushers me to the room, in which Omar is already present. Once again, he smiles at me. The doctor calls me to lie on the hospital bed and to pull up my abaya—which is horribly embarrassing.

She starts to spread a gel-cream that feels really cool on my tummy. The air from the Air Conditioner makes my tummy feels so cool, definitely causing goosebumps to appear on my skin.

She then holds out a pen-like tool, and begins to move it around on top of my tummy. I can't see anything from the screen since I have to lie down, but through Omar's expression, I can see that there must be something heart-warming.

After a while, the doctor pulls the tool away, places it back on its place and invites Omar and I to sit back on the chairs.

“Doctor, may I know why I'm taking this ultrasound test?” She smiles at me.

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