Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Habibah POV

As usual, I have to wait for taxi to pass by as a transport to go back home. My mind is still being stupid to even question who is the guy AKA Amira's brother? What is his name? Nevermind, I shrug.

My eyes wander to search for Amira...or her transport? What is wrong with me?!

"Habibah!"A voice disenchants me from my thoughts. My head snaps up to see Yaqub on his Honda City.

"Yaqub? What are you-"

Before I can finish my words, he cuts off, "Just come on! Mum says to bring you to her friend's house. She's already waiting for you."My eyebrows are up, thinking.

"Habibah! Come on quickly!"His tone shows that he is impatient.

"Eh fine!"I walk towards the car and step in the front passenger seat. His car smells so good, I shake my head slowly. Since when do I care about people's car's scent? My mind is getting out of sense, Wallahi.

From the surrounding of the house, it seems like there is an event going on. Not that I do not want to come in - but I just do not like crowdiness. And maybe that is why I suit best in the writing world - because writing needs full concentration, and it only happens on deserted and silent places.

"Habibah!"My brother yells once again. I walk up to him to ask what is up, when he tells me to go to mum, who is sitting with a bunch of her friends...

"Me with the mums?"I gulp. I do not like talking to mum's friends.

"Yes!"He says. I nod and walk up to her. As she sees me, she pats on a spot beside her for me to sit down - but I stand up beside her instead.

"Amira is in the game room. You can go and meet her there."Aunty Marwah says. This is one of the thing I hate of being a Southeast Asian. Like no matter where we go, no matter how old are we, we always get mix up with the opposite gender in events.

"No, I'm fine here,"I say with a smile but mum shoots me the look where she wants me to do something. I sigh and follow what she wants.

Walking really slow to the game room, and peeking to see if there is any guy. And yepp, there are a few. Including.. him. The beard guy. What a good nickname you have, I say to myself sarcastically.

"Habibah!"The familiar voice interrupts my thought. She smiles and walks up to me, taking my wrist and pulling me to the couch. "I was so bored here!"

"Erm, aren't there any other girls?"I watch the room carefully. There are girls. Girls by mean little girls.

"No. I was only talking to my brother Jassim."My forehead form wrinkles. Jassim? Why is it familiar? Just as I am thinking, another voice calls my name - but this time it is someone I don't expect.

"Habibah?"My head snaps up to see a guy with a short quiff and dull black eyes. His jaw and collarbones are prominent. Why does he look familiar but I do not know him? Who is he? "Do you remember me?"

"Urm... hi?"

"Biba, Panda, Jazz and Honey?"I eye the person suspiciously. Biba? My childhood nickname!

"Jazz... JAZZIM, sorry Jassim?"I mouth happily. It has been six years or so that we haven't meet each other.

"Yes! You remember! How are you?"I shrug.

"As usual... Fine, not fine."I laugh nervously.

"Married? Single?"I give him a look as he chuckles.

"Single all the way! Too fabulous lol."He laughs along.

"True. Seems like someone's being so pious?"I roll my eyes and glare at him, "Oh right! You were always the pious one."

"Bleh bleh."I reply as he laughs. From the corner of my eyes, I can see the guy with the beard glancing at me and Jassim once a while, but he keeps his face low.

We all sit down and play xbox turn by turn, even though the guy with the beard does not bother to even talk or glance. When our parents come in the room, the house suddenly become silent.

"Since you all know, that Jassim just arrived from America a while ago, we decided to talk about his marriage,"I nod. Never know Jassim is still single. He was the boy that was always crowded by girls, when we were young teens. "By that, we decided... Maybe Habibah and Jassim should get married."

Without anymore talks, I stand up to defend, "Well we know that this day will come where we have to get married, but no this is not the only option. This is unfair! We are allowed to choose our partner."Everyone is shock by my words.

"I agree! I told you mum, I already have her and we are planning to get married by the end of this month. And I can assure you she is your ideal daughter-in-law."Jassim defends. I shoot him a thankful stare as he replies with a single smile.

"Yeah... After all, I still have to finish my studies to get the degree which is next year."I say again. The parents glance at each other.

"Fine."Is all what they say. I exhale a sigh of relief. Too easy to convince, I thank. "But if by next month - until Habibah gets 23, and she doesn't find any partner, then surely Jassim shall be with her."I gulp, glancing at Jassim with the, 'We're dead' look.

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