Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Habibah's POV

Today, precisely Friday, my whole family from both of my parents' sides have come to listen to my answer on the proposal. I don't really expect to see everyone, including my only one grandfather alive, that's from my mum's side, to attend this since he should actually be in bed due to his sickness - but today he seems fine and healthy, as if he's been expecting for this day to come. The day where he'd listen the life-changing decision of his grand-daughter.

The first thing I do when I see my grandfather is to hug him tightly, as I feel his hand stroking my back gently.

"You'll be a great wife, biba."The tears threat to spill out as soon as the words leave his mouth. I want to say everything to him that I've been wanting to say. I want to say thank you to him for comforting me in the sad moments of my life, for taking care of me, for loving me like his own child. He is literally the only person who knows me more than my mum does.

"In sha Allah, pa. In sha Allah..."I can only sob in the hug and pull out as my mum calls me out. It's pretty weird that we're doing the process of engagement differently from my culture's. In my culture, the both persons would have to ask and answer all face to face - but I have ask this to be more Halaal, In sha Allah...

"Assalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakaatu."Dad announces loudly through the mic. I smile at him. He's doing a great job, a very great job. I hope Allah rewards him with Jannah. We all reply his Salaam. He continues, "Alhamdulillah by the will of Allah, we all are able to gather around together and will listen ourselves the decision of our beloved Habibah Salsabilla upon the proposal that a young man, Omar Abdullah asked."My heart overwhelms with joy as dad say so, giving me chills down my spine. I've never feel so loved and supported than I am right now. I realize how my family is all that matters to me (before I'll get married).

"We might want Habibah herself to answer now."I cough a little before clutching on the mic that mum passes to me.

"Assalamualaikum... Salawat and Salaam all goes for our beloved Prophet and to Allah 'Azza Wa Jal for giving us the chance to repent to Him today, before we all shall go back to Him. As my dad has said earlier, the reason to this event, I would say that this is a life-changing decision, and therefore, I have thought about everything justicely and wisely. In sha Allah this is the best decision that I make."I pause for some moment, breathing in as my hands sweat in nervousness. I shut my eyes and flutter my lids back open, "I know well to say yes, for the best. Wassalamualaikum."

Everyone cheer and mum keeps on telling me how I'll be a great wife and a great mother to my kids. I can only hope for those to be true.

Omar: How's it going?

Habibah: Alhamdulillah...

I haven't showed him any signs of approval or disapproval from myself about his proposal for me, by means to make everything as a surprise. A truly great surprise. And I hope none of my annoying siblings would divulge the answer of the proposal.

"Oh my god! The idiot is getting married!"I hear one of the guy twins said. It's Yaqub, of course. Yusuf isn't the type of talkative and over-dramatic guy. I glare at him as our gazes meet and he replies with an annoying mischievous grin. Even though there are many people, I have to practically drag the guy twins out of the room to talk about the answer of the proposal.

"Look, I don't want anyone besides our whole family to know about my answer. Not anyone, not a single soul."I demand them. Yaqub rolls his eyes while Yusuf nods obediently. I swear Yusuf is such an obedient kid, he can go over a stranger and do whatever he's ask to, even though it means killing himself.

"Why not? Everyone's impatient though."Yaqub replies.

"So they can learn about patience."

"Awh stahp it! What if I'd tell Omar?"I narrow my eyes at Yaqub. He's the exact opposite of Yusuf, a bit more annoying than Yusuf.

"Well what if I'd tell Maisarah that you like her?"I cross my arms challengingly, threateningly. He only passes me a glare before exiting the room and I smirk triumphantly. We all know that I always win in arguments with them.

"I hope he won't hurt you."Yusuf says suddenly from behind my back. I shoot him a questioning look. "I will never let anyone to hurt you, not even Omar."

I pull him in a hug. I don't remember when was the last time we hugged, but I hug him and he hugs back. "I assure you that I can protect myself and he won't hurt me. Otherwise, I will tell you if he'd."I smile after pulling away.

"Good. He better be afraid."I laugh.

"He better be."

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