Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Habibah's POV

Right when I come home from University, it is about seven in the night, and I definitely do not like these classes time. They take up my evening time with the family and Allah. Although they do give us time for Maghrib and Isha.

I am tired, so tired. Studying Psychology and having to understand's crazy. But at the same time, that is my decision to choose Psychology. To understand people's mind easily so I can talk to people without feeling awkward.

"Assalamualaikum (May peace be upon you)..."I say as I enter the house and lock the door behind me. My family are all heading upstairs, except the bro twins. They usually stay late at night in weekends.

"Waalaikumsalaam (And may peace be upon you too). We have just talked about you,"says Yaqub. I eye them suspiciously, before throwing my backpack on the sofa.

"Sure. And what was it about?"I question. I do not really like being talked about, no matter it is negative or positive. I just do not like it. I do not know...

"Yeah, ask mum."He directs. I shoots him a glare, leaving them all alone as I walk down to the kitchen. I sit on the chair, thinking about what my Islamic teacher has told, a few days ago. She said that it is best for me to get married soon, since I am getting older, especially with the fact that I am getting twenty three years old in next month In sha Allah (Allah's will - God willing), and I have not found any partner to spend the rest of my life with. As I said, I don't really want to rush and I don't mind, but then... What is my purpose of preparing for my future husband?

"Ehem. Assalamualaikum (May peace be upon you). هل انت بخير؟"(Hal Anti bikhair?), says mum as she interrupts my mesmerizing, thoughtful thoughts. Even though we are Southeast Asian, mum often uses Arabic to talk.

"Waalaikumsalaam (And may peace be upon you too) mum. نعم."(Na'am), I reply with ease. I do not want to hide these agitating feelings cause by what people say to me about my status, but at the other end, I am afraid that mum does not think the same way as I do. Ofcourse she does not.

"I know something is wrong. I can feel it."I laugh nervously.

"Mum. That is just your feeling, there is no need to worry."I reassure. She only stares at me from head to toe, probably taking in my bad appearance. I admit I do not like to dress up good for people. I just like to be casual.

"You know you can tell everything to me. You are a woman, and I am too. So we can understand better. Don't go for your brothers always. They are men, they have different perspective views than women."I only give a nod. These are the usual lecture from her. I am just not an outgoing person as I mentioned before. And I don't like sharing my secrets and thoughts with people, because I'm afraid if I trust much, it will hurt more. "I'll leave you to rest."And she does.

I sigh, wiping my face with my hands. I'm too knackere; too knackered. I'll just go to sleep and have the full morning by myself, in my room, I think. I am sure it will be brilliant!


As what I have planned since last night, I spend the rest of the morning, watching the trailer of Twilight Breaking Dawn part two and some random Just for Laugh videos. I sure don't love it, just a bit fond of it. I just have some obsession with Vampires, Werewolves and Draculas, so everything that includes them, is a must for me to see or read. Although I did not watch Breaking Dawn part one, since it is too mature, as to what my friends said, I still want to watch part two - for the sake of the Volturi. It is weird how I love the Volturi more than the main characters. Because the Volturi are just... Cool and Old fashioned style, which I definitely love.

"Wow, she is half mortal and half immortal?"I hear a familiar voice; Hanaya. I quickly stand up off bed to her, shutting my laptop.

"Psstt!! Don't you know how to knock?"I cross my arms.

"Course I do. I just want to see what you are-"I cut her off, knowing where it will go.

"Fine fine! Now that you know, can you leave me?"I say, more like plead.

"Sure. But you still have to apologize to us because you put ice cubes on our teas and on our soup. It sucks you know,"I double over a laughter, enjoying their moments of suffer.

"Not haha my haha fault hahahaha."I say in between the laughs. Before I know what is happening, my body seems floating in air. I yelp when I see that I'm being carried away by my brothers. "Put me down!"

"No! Not until you apologize!"Yusuf says, tickling my neck instead. I shudder under their grips. I know them well. I would either end up in the basement, or the store room. Depends on how generous they are today.

"I'm not giving in! I will not apologize for what I have done!"I yell, my sisters laughing at me triumphantly. One day revenge will be sweet, I smirk.

"Then accept."They say as they place me down on the basement floor and run out quickly, not forgetting to lock the door.

"You all are the worst siblings!"I pound on the door several times, hearing giggles from the other side of the door. Uh!

"You too!"They tell in unison. Well duh?!


هل انت بخير = Are you alright?

نعم = Yes

السلام عليكم Assalamualaikum=

May peace be upon you

و عليكم سلام Waalaikumsalaam =

And may peace be upon you too

ان شا الله In sha Allah =

Allah's will, or God Willing

Fajr, Dzuhr, Asar, Maghrib, Isha' = five daily prayers (obligatory), in Islam.

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