Chapter 22

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Habibah's POV

True to his words, after we are done shopping, he takes me to my parents house. Oh I miss them so much.

I knock on the door while yelling Salaam and on the second knock, Hanifah opens the door and immediately skipping to the kitchen while yelling, "They're here! They're here!"I shake my head. She never gets mature.

I walk in to the living room with Omar and place my bag on the couch, telling him to feel free while I help my mom. I skip to the kitchen to find the girls and mom cooking something. Smells like chicken barbeque ala my mom. I walk over to her and take her hand, kissing it(putting my forehead on top of her hand). It's the way to greet and respect elders in our South East Asian culture. It may seems weird, but I'm really fond of it. It's great to show respect to elders and greet them at once.

"How are you mom?"She smiles at me, patting my head.

"Alhamdulillah. What brings you here?"

"Eh? A child isn't allowed to visit her mom?"She laughs.

"Of course you're allowed. I thought you're still busy fitting in the new world."I grin shyly.

"That's done. So, what are you all doing?"I grin, scratching the back of my neck in embareassment.

"We're having a barbeque tonight! You came in right on time!"Hanifah chirps happily. I shake my head at her. She's cutting the chicken eh? She used to be disgusted with the smell and all so, but always the first to eat. Huh.

"Habibah, aren't you gonna make tea for your husband? Make him feel comfortable here."I nod. Omar isn't the type of husband who wants everything to be made by his wife. He said, "as long as I can make it, why should I ask other people?" Besides, he doesn't like tea or coffee anyway. He drinks them only when he wants to. I smile, thinking about him.

"Here you go!"I place down the cup on the table. "Didn't Yaqub or Yusuf came down? I think they might be out then."

I turn on the television so he wouldn't feel bored or uncomfortable. After that, I excuse myself to go back to the kitchen to help them.

"Where were you from?"Hanaya asks as she hands me the cutting board.

"Ahh, from the market. Why?"She sits down in front of me, looking at my eyes.

"Did you buy chocolates?"I stick out my tongue at her question, wiggling my brows to tease her. My siblings and I have a huge obsession over chocolate. But none of my parents like it. Well, my dad has a high cholesterol level, so he has to avoid chocolates and the fried foods. While my mom, she just doesn't like chocolates.

"Yeah yeah, I did. Ferrero-"

"Oh my gosh! Can we have it please? Pretty please Habibah!"Hanifah pleads, looking at me with puppy eyes. No one can say no to that. She have beautiful light brown eyes, not to mention how big they're, unlike mines which are like chinese eyes.

"Okay okay... But then you'll cut these onions eh, Hanifah?"She nods her head eagerly, kissing my cheeks.

"Thank you Habibah! You're the best sister-"

"That's what you said when I agree on getting something you want. Always with the same praises huh?"I laugh, shaking my head as I stand up and walk back to the living room to ask for the car's key from Omar.

I shut the door and walk towards the car, but stop when I see something on top of the car. It's looking at me, piercing right through my soul. It yowls, raising its claws high.

"OMAR!"I scream in fear, running back inside the house. Oh god!

"Wh-What? What's wrong?"Omar holds the both of my shoulders. I only shut my eyes in response. That thing makes me feel embarrass, once again.

"Th-There's a cat on the car!"He stares at me with wide eyes, before laughing hysterically. I narrow my eyes at him. I know it's childish and stupid, but you can't blame me! I was bitten by a cat when I was a kid, and ever since then, I have a phobia of cats.

"Are you serious? Cats?"He questions while shaking his head. The girls come to me, sighing when they see the cat from the window.

"You gotta get over that phobia! It's useless."Hanaya tells. For the sake of Allah, that thing was about to jump on me!

"No! It was looking at me you know! Like, raising the claws and the fangs are so scary I think it wanted to kill me!"Omar laughs again in response, so I pull his beard. I remember what he said about pulling his beard is more hurtful than pulling his hair.

"Ow! That's cruel!"I roll my eyes. He slings his arm around my shoulders, "don't worry! Cats do that a lot. Just glare at it. You know you have a deadly glare."

"Aish! You're not helping me at all."I push his arm gently, off of my shoulder. He grins, mouthing sorry.

"I'll take the chocolate."I nod and follow him from the back. The cat's still on top of the car, but it stays still, even when Omar opens the door and takes the chocolate box out. "See. It doesn't bites."

I roll my eyes, "maybe that cat is a girl, that's why." He only shakes his head in reply, kissing my forehead.

"You worry too much. Let's get back in." I nod, walking inside the house quickly, still afraid if that cat would jump and bite me. I shut the door after Omar enters and immediately lock it. Omar chuckles. "You're so cute when you're afraid."

I flush. My cheeks feel like burning. No one has ever said so. Besides my family of course. "Ahh Omar, stop it!" He smiles, noticing my cheeks which are turning into a deep shade of red.

After Isha', we take out all of the things to the backyard and begin to set the carpet while the men grill the chicken, sausage and meat. We even invite Omar's family for the barbeque.

Everyone's having a good time at the barbeque. We all chat and joke, while some play water fight and games. I smile up looking at the starry night. Unlike the usual nights, today they have many sparkling, beautiful stars which made the sky bright. The sky's happy, and so am I...

(Assalamualaikum :) How are you guys doing? Quick update eh? xD I just want to say jazakallah and thank you for the votes, reads, comments and supports, everything! I'm really enjoying writing this story :3 Remind me to not to end this story in a tragic way hehe ✌)

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