Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Habibah's POV

Just as I close my locker, I am surprise to find Amira standing beside me with a smile on her face.

"Assalamualaikum?"I greet with confusion.

"Waalaikumsalaam. Habibah, are you searching for a husband?"Her question makes me stun. I freeze.

"Yeah... I do but I'm in no rush to get married,"I reply with a smile, "in fact it would be better if I do get married after my graduation."

"Oh... Do you mind, if my brother, Omar and my family wants to visit your family in Saturday?"Omar?

"Oh, the guy with the beard?"I suddenly regret what I ask as she laughs at my description of her brother.

"Yeah yeah.. The one with the beard, Omar."I think for a while... Won't I be considered as some bad woman for rejecting Jassim, who's clearly Omar's brother, and rather going for Omar?

"Sure,"is my answer. Amira suddenly envelopes me in a hug, causing my eyes to get wide but I soon recover and hug her back.

"Can't wait! See you on Saturday, bye! Assalamualaikum."I smile.

"Waalaikumsalaam, see you soon, too."She walks away with a smile on her face, as if she's so glad about this. I suddenly feel nervous. What if my parents disagree? What if everyone disagree? What about Jassim?


I arrive home as quick as I can and ask mum and dad to talk with me for a while.

"So... mum, dad, you know Omar right?"they look at each other.

"Of course! The good son of Marwa?"I nod. At least dad thinks good.

"Yes, he is good and pious. It just seems like he's so serious and silent all the time..?"Mum's statement comes out more as a question. I scratch my head.

"That doesn't matter. What matter is, he and aunt Marwa's family would like to visit us this Saturday."I stare at the both of them.

"Why not? After all, he is a good guy and he seems good for you."Dad compliments.

"Yes, it would be good. But do make sure there's no problem at all with Jassim."I nod again and walk up to them to give them a hug.

"Thank you mum, dad."I whisper in their ears as they nod.

As I'm about to walk to my room, Yusuf's voice startle me.

"I heard you're trying to get to know this Omar guy?"I turn my whole body to look at him.


"I'm just saying... Maybe I can help you. He's one of my good friends, so you can rely on me to know him."I nod with a smile.

"In sha Allah..."

"Okay. Oh one more thing, I think he is going to propose to you on Saturday."My eyes become wide as if they are to pop out of the sockets.

"He what?"

"That's just an assumption. Let's see for the best. Anyways, I'm sure he's good for you."In sha Allah...


By Saturday, my whole family gets too tense up and nervous, and so do I. I have make the food and so, while Yusuf and Yaqub keep texting Omar about their arrival.

"They're coming in five minutes!"Yusuf yells and I look at the mirror once more before I walk out. The girl twins are squealing, attacking me with hugs and 'you're getting married' words.

"Oh oh! They're here!"Hanaya and Hanifah cheers. I walk out to greet his parents, Amira and Jassim.

"I see, you'll be my sister-in-law eh?"Jassim adds a wink at the end as I roll my eyes at him.

"That's an if."I remind him.

"Well definitely, I know you'll accept him though."I shrug and immediately motion him to sit down on one of the sofas. As soon as everyone enter my house, my eyes suddenly wander around to search for the beard - Omar. My gaze stops on the guy walking towards my doorstep. He's wearing a thobe and he seems nervous too, even though I can't see his face.

Astaghfirullah(I seek forguveness fro Allah), I immediately lower my gaze.

"Assalamualaikum."He speaks, lowering his gaze too.

"Waalaikumsalaam. Welcome."I motion him to come inside and he does so, walking to where everyone is and I breathe out a sigh of relief. Thank goodness!

As mum and dad has said, I shall wait on the kitchen which I am doing right now. I sit impatiently on the kitchen, waiting for them, and all and all, until Hanaya comes in and tells me to enter the living room. The nervousness inside me causes my hands to sweat, and I wonder if I can just run away because I'm so shy. I'm walking really slow 'cause I'm afraid like what if I'm going to fall or slip on something and they'd laugh?

"Assalamualaikum."I enter and sit beside mum who is smiling at me.

"As we all know, our son, Omar has just told us of his interest upon your daughter, Habibah. So here, we'd like to call out Omar himself to speak out."Uncle Fahad announces. Omar clears his throat before he speaks up. I expected his voice to be all husky and deep, but his voice is actually slow and gentle. Oh well...

"Assalamualaikum, I'd like to start with the name of Allah. I know that this is too soon, but I, Omar Abdullah would like to ask you for Habibah Salsabilla's hand in marriage. Although, the answer can be given out up to when she is ready to give it out."I practically squeal. He knows my full name, oh my!

"My son, Omar. We know that this moment shall come where we have to let go of our daughter Habibah. If only we can keep her with us, we'd, but as marriage is one of the main thing in Islam, we have to let her go. So by this, we clearly accept you, and now I shall hand over the answer to Habibah herself. And I think she needs some time, until next Saturday."Dad speaks wisely and I nod my head. I want to hug dad and never let him go, but I'm so shy to even blink.

"That'd be okay I guess."This time, Jassim speaks in, instead of Omar.

"Now, we shall eat since Habibah and I have cooked."Mum stands up to go to the dining room where the foods are along with everyone else, except Amira.

"I hope your answer would be a yes!"she pulls me in a hug, "I want to be your sister-in-law!"she admits. I can't help but let a smile creep on my face. So far, this day has been good - and I'm looking forward to meet them all again by next Saturday.

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