Chapter 40

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Assalamualaikum. I'm sorry if I put you all through a hard time because of my late updates.. :) O'levels, is seriously hard. Not to mention how we have to STUDY the books everyday for unseen surprise tests -_-

Anyhow, in this chapter, I made a topic: The harms of little white lies. As you know, a single lie lead to another, and then another, and another and so on and on. Obviously, when we lie, we never notice how harmful it is for US and the OTHERS. And as we all know: Truths will always be unveiled. So, let's stop doing this disgusting bad habit and repent before it's too late and will only make us gain some embarrassing moments in Qiyamah(The day of Judgement).


Habibah's POV

I walk in to the hospital groggily, feeling the sweat forming on top of my head. Even though I'm determined, I can't help the nervousness which creeps me.

I register myself for the check-up and wait at the separated female waiting room. There's about two to three patients before my call.

A lady—who's a nurse—comes out of the room number 12 and calls out my name with a pleasant smile on her face. She recognizes me.

“Assalamualaikum Mrs. Habibah,” she smiles politely. I respond to her Salam almost immediately and follow her inside the room. I'm thankful that the doctor's a woman and not a man. I'd definitely sprint away if ther doctor's a man. Afterall, I'm here to discuss something embarrassing and... Private.

At first, the doctor—Ms. Naya, whose name I just know—asks me some questions related to my sickness. Some of them, though, are horridly embarrassing.

“I recently feel nausea almost every time I wake up or when I smell foods. I've never felt this way before. This morning, however, was worst. I woke up and I immediately threw up. I didn't even feel like eating, even though I was hungry,” I explain briefly, my cheeks turning red. I've never discussed something so serious, all about women, to anyone—not even my mom.

“Are you late, Miss?”

My cheeks get redder. “Erm, no, I think.”

“Well, I suggest you to test using the test pack. I'm worried that it will be kind of difficult to check using the machine, since you're not late,” she advises politely. “How about.. We'll provide you a test pack and I'll check it. I'll give a test of urine as well, for an assurance, if that will be fine?”

“Sure,” I smile.

The doctor nods her head at the nurse's direction, who swiftly understand what the doctor means. Shortly, the nurse comes back in with a test pack and a urine vial. How embarrassing!

“The bathroom is just beside this room, Miss,” the nurse points and escorts me to the bathroom.

I enter the bathroom and swiftly lock it up. Omar doesn't even know that I'm in a hospital. Allah, I'm just embarrassing myself! I'm too young for this, aren't I?

Either way, I do what the procedure says so. After a while of convincing myself that this is alright, I embolden myself to head out of the toilet and hand the things to the nurse. She asks me to sit back in the waiting room while she checks it.

I oblige, waiting patiently yet nervously in the waiting room. My thoughts are quick enough to jumble up in my mind, sometimes it makes my mind foggy.

If it isn't for the vibration that I feel in my pocket—from my phone, I'm sure I would have mused in too deep.

Omar: Where are you? I called home but there wasn't any answer.

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