Chapter 16

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Habibah's POV

It's just some more days until the wedding. I can't stop myself from feeling nervous. It feels like I just want to run away from the wedding because i'm nervous and afraid of marrying someone whom I just know.

Today in university, I have to give the wedding invitation cards to the teachers and the students. I have asked Amirah to give to the students while I give to the teachers. Some of the invitations have been given to the respective teachers, though I'm worried to give the invitation to Mrs. Farhana, even though I know she'd be happy for me.

My hand traced the door knob of Mrs.Farhana's room. Should I give it to her or should Amirah give it to her?

I finally recollect my courage to go up to her. I inhale the air deeply, before I knock on her door.

"Oh, Habibah?"She opens the door immediately, a smile grows on her face.

"Yes Miss. I just want"I hand her the card. She smiles in reply.

"Thank you dear. I'll be sure to attend the wedding in sha Allah..."I nodded.

"Thank you Miss. Assalamualaikum."



Our family had a discussion some days ago, that we'd have a dinner at the Abdullah's house because Jassim won't be able to attend the wedding and also for the celebration of his graduation.

I'm already waiting downstairs for my parents to come out while I play 'Don't Tap the White Tiles' game. I almost beat my own high score but Hanifah scares me out of nowhere and I drop my phone in astonishment.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry."She says, her mouth hanging wide. I roll my eyes. She always does that. Thankfully my phone still works Alhamdulillah. "I'm so sorry I swear I'll buy you a new one."

"You mean using your pocket money from dad? No thank you."She sighs.

"You need to change that LG phone anyway! Get something like Samsung S5 or Samsung S4."I shake my head, a sign of denial.

"At least I can still play games, write, take pictures and use it as a normal phone anyway. It's not that bad."I say, rubbing my phone in a way to show my love for it.

"Uh, whatever you say Biba."

"Don't call me that."I snap at her. I may loved that nick name back when I was a kid. But I'm grown up now and that name sounds so childish!

She only replies with a laugh. "Where's Hanaya?"

"I don't know. In her room maybe."

"Oh yeah. She said she doesn't want to come."I furrow my brows. Hanaya isn't usually like this. She's always enthusiastic to go out.

"I'll check on her."I rise from the seat and head towards their room. I knock on the door but there isn't any answer. I finally twist the knob without knocking anymore and find Hanaya sitting at the corner of her bed, silently crying with her phone on her hands. "Hanaya?"

"Uh Habibah? Don't you know how to knock on the door? Please have some respect."Her words are terribly rending the heart, but I shrug it away. Hanaya has some bad habit of not being able to control her words while being emotional.

"Hanaya I've knocked the door many times. What's wrong?"I approach her and sit beside her. She faces me with her face soaked in tears. "Hanaya?"

"J-just look at what th-they said about me!"She points toward her golden iphone5. Her facebook account is open and there are many comments. I read one by one even though there are a dozen of them.

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