Chapter 17

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Habibah's POV

Finally, it's what everyone's been waiting for. The day that I'd change my status. The day that my whole life will change. My wedding day...

If you think I am not nervous anymore, then you are wrong. Because the truth is that, I'm still sitting on my bed, hugging myself with fright and nervousness. What if everything won't go well? The wedding will start in less than two hours and I still haven't get dress yet.

"Habi- YA ALLAH HABIBAH! YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE DOING YOUR MAKEUP RIGHT NOW!"My mom's voice rise up in shock. I only flash her a weak, apologetic smile. She notices the smile. "What's with that uneasy, sad smile?"


"Are you not happy? I told you to take the correct decision. If you are not ready yet and if you're not happy-"

"Mom, that's not the problem."I complain, correcting her and making her silent as well.

"Then what?"She walks to me and sits beside me. "If you are thinking negative, don't. This is your wedding day! At least pray everything will be well In sha Allah."

"I'm praying mom. But..."Her eyebrows shoot up in confusion. "I'm afraid. I'll live with him and you know that I can't even be in a room with a guy for more than ten minutes or else I'd run away in fright. Right?"

She laughs, finding my words very funny. I'll never understand her. "Oh you silly! He won't bite okay? Just a piece of story. When I was your age and when it was my wedding day, I couldn't stop crying. They kept on putting my makeup but I'd ruin it because I couldn't stop crying. I didn't know why, I just felt like crying. Until they decided to not put any makeup on me. I even cried until... I guess a week after the marriage. Your dad had to bring me to your grandparents house to calm me down. It was hilarious. But seriously... Take everything easy and calm. I was very nervous around your dad, but as months passed, I got very comfortable with him. And I realized that I love him alot."I end up in tears after hearing her small flashback story.

"Is that so? But what if he will think that I'm ugly or I can't be a perfect wife?"

"No one's perfect, Habibah. I couldn't cook. For two years, I couldn't cook. Until my mom gave me cooking courses. At least you can cook and clean the house and so. Look at the positive side, please."I nod my head. "Now go get dress. I will put your makeup."

I do as what I'm told to do. I lock the bathroom door behind me and hang the dress behind the door. The dress is amazing. It's white in color. It has long sleeves which is coated with a thin lace. The whole dress has two layers. The upper layer is made of lace with designs and underneath it, is made of a thick, warm silk. The scarf that my mom bought for me is also very beautiful. It's also white in color, with ruffles. It's the square shaped scarf, but since my mom knows that I hate short scarfs, so she bought me the big ones: XL size. I'm grateful she bought me the proper size.

Before I wear the dress, I rinse my face with warm water and use the 'Ponds fair and white' face wash, then wash my face again with water. I brush my teeth, take a quick shower and dry myself with the towel before I step into the dress. Alhamdulillah it looks perfectly fine on me. I'm so glad that it's loose on me, because other wise, I wouldn't want to wear the dress.

I step out of the bathroom with my straight hair still damp, so I can't wear the scarf yet. I love my straigt hair because it's easy to comb, but honestly, straight hair looks awful because it resembles the witches' hair. I don't know why it appears so to me, I guess it's only because I have a straight hair.

"SubhanAllah... You look so gorgeous, Habibah!"Mom compliments. I smile, thanking her silently. "Now sit down. I'll dry your hair and put on your makeup as well."

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