Chapter 19

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Habibah's POV

"Hi! Habibah!"Soffy comes in, immediately attacking me with her squishy hug. Soffy sure knows how to squish me in her hug.

"Soff, I can't breathe."I whisper.

"Oh sorry! I'm just so happy for you! You're finally married!"I laugh at her. Some things never change...

"Thank you. Let's come in, Soffy, Isa."I wave them to come in to the flat and tell them to sit while I make them some tea. I can hear already that Omar has enter the living room, being much friendly with Isa and Soffy.

I place the jar of tea and the cups on the table and take a seat beside Omar. "Please, have a tea."I turn to whisper to Omar, "Can you help me bring the food from the kitchen?"He nods his head. "Excuse us for a minute."

Omar enters the kitchen first and takes the bowls of dishes on his hands as I take the plates and spoons. "I'm sorry again.."

"For what?"I question him in confusion.

"I didn't bought a villa for us."I feel like laughing but I can't. There's just another part of me that feels sad for him. I know that he uses his own money to buy this flat, and honestly, I'm so thankful that at least we still have a roof on top of our heads. I don't mind how small the house is, as long as it's liveable and as long as we can stay together, I'm fine with it.

"Omar, it's okay..."

"But your family is wealthy, Habibah. You've had a luxurious life since a kid and now when you're married, instead of being more comfortable, you have the things worser than before."I don't agree much on him about my way of life. I know that my family is wealthy, but that's my parents wealth. Even though I have the rights to have it, I don't want it. My parents earned the wealth from their hardwork, and I should have wealth from my own hardwork too. Not from my parents or husband.

"My parents are rich, Omar. Not me. It's their wealth, not mines. I'm thankful for everything okay. Please don't think bad about youreself, it hurts me."He smiles, leaning in to kiss my forehead.

"I'm thankful to have you."

"Me too. Let's go now. They must be wondering why we took so much time."He nods, following me from behind as we exit the kitchen and to the living room. I actually think that Soffy would make some remark about how small the flat is, but she doesn't. Instead, she and Isa enjoy being at our house a lot.

"Wah wah.. Thank you so much Omar, Habibah, for the greeting. But we can't stay long here."I open my mouth to speak but Omar talks first.

"Why in a rush? Dzuhr is just in some minutes anyway."Soffy and Isa discuss about it for a minute and nod their head smiling. I love seeing the sight of happy married couples. Such as Soffy and Isa. They make a perfect couple. Isa, with his tall height and curly hair, while Soffy, who has a middle height and her arabian face. Even though the both of them are South East Asian, just like me, they actually have an arabian face because what I heard, their grandfathers are cousins and they are pure Arabian.

We chat for some minutes before Adzan for Dzuhr Salah reverberates. The men walk to the Masjid near to the flat while Soffy and I stay at the flat.

"You sure about this place?"Is what Soffy asks first, after the men left. I raise my brow at her.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. Your life-"

"Don't talk about how luxurious my life is, because it is not. Soffy, you have to understand that I love him Lillaahi Ta'ala, not because of his wealth. If I care a lot about his wealth, I wouldn't want to marry him."By this time I'm at much stress. I hate it when people judge my life from my family. Yes, my parents own a company. But no, that's not mine. It's theirs and it will always be theirs. .

"Okay okay... Geez. I'm happy if you're happy. Just know that I'm always here if you need help. Anyway..." She trails off her sentence as she takes a sip from the tea, "How does it feels like to be married now, Mrs. Omar Abdullah?"I laugh at her.

"I don't know... What do you think I feel?"

"Well geez, I'm not a vampire, so duh. I don't know how you feel, Mrs. Abdullah."I smile at her.

"It feels great. I'm just happy that I get to know someone as amazing as Omar. He's cute anyway."She chuckles at my answer. I give her a confused look.

"When you said he's cute. It sounds like you're saying he's not manly."I gape, slapping her hand jokingly.

"Of course not! I mean, he is cute and manly."She shrugs, still laughing.

"So... where does he work?"I snap out of the happy world. What should I say to her? I know that other people shouldn't know anything about my marriage life, but she's my best friend. And I realize that it must be hard for Omar to accept the fact that he lost his job. I'm just curious to why he lost his job. "Earth to Habibah?"

"Uh yes... Well, he's..."I trail off, still unsure of what to say. "He just lost his job."

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry."I nod, mouthing 'it's okay'. "But why don't you tell him to apply at the univ?"

"Our univ? That'd be awkward!"I can't picture how it'd be like, studying with him as my teacher. Not to mention how I'd get distracted too much.

"Well I'm talking about him, not your feelings. Anyway, sir Shoaib has went back to his country forever, and they're looking for two new arabic teacher. I heard from Isa, that he studied arabic? So why don't you tell him to apply a job there?"

"I'll see... That's if he'd want to, anyway. Might be he want to apply as something other than an arabic teacher."She nods.

"I'm just informing."I smile at her, thanking her for the information. "So, where's the praying room anyway?"I ask her to follow me to my bedroom. There are two rooms in the house, but the other one is still messy from the unpacked boxes, so I have to let her pray in my bed room, even though it's a very personal and private room.

After we finish our Salah, we head back down to the living room, right when the men come back from Masjid. We eat and then the guests have to go.

"Thank you for the treat, Habibah,"Soffy smiles, pulling me in a hug as she whispers, "don't forget to tell Omar."

"Sure I'll."

"Okay.. Assalamualaikum."And the couple get in the car, driving away.

"Waalaikumsalaam."Omar and I say in unison. We get back inside the house and lay on the couch.

"The food was delicious."He compliments, earning a grin from me.

"Thank you. I got the recipe from the best mother-in-law."He nods, laughing.

"I can tell that. It tastes exactly like the ones mom made."

"Is that an accomplishment to be proud of?"

"Perhaps..." He continues, looking at me with a wide ear to ear smile, "Wanna go out to Baskin Robbin this evening?"I nodded. There's no way I'm gonna say 'no' to a BR offer.

"I have to tell you something, about your job."His face drops immediately.

"What is it?"

"Soffy told me that sir Shoaib, my arabic teacher in the university, has recently left to his country forever. So since you studied an arabic course, you can as well apply at the university right? Besides, it'd be easier for me to go home with you."He smirks. I know that look.

"Just say that you want to see me everyday right? I know you can't live without me."I gape at him and hit his arm.

"Omar! I'm serious!"He laughs at my reaction and holds my hand to stop me from hitting him.

"Okay okay.. I'll try to apply a job there. But don't you dare flirt with me if I get a job there."I gape again.

"Omar you are unbelievable! I'm talking about a serious topic here!"He chuckles, pulling me in a hug.

"Fine fine..."he says while stroking my head. "Your hair smells familiar."I pull away immediately.

"Excuse me Mr. Abdullah. Are trying to say that you're sniffing my hair and my shampoo is cheap? You don't say that..."I glare. He grins.

"Kind of..."And that's how the 'run for your life' game starts.

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