Chapter 37

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Habibah's POV

Omar is discharged from the hospital-we are now on the administration desk, paying the cost and all the medicines. We eventually head out of the hospital, hand in hand-just like before. I smile madly.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Nothing. Come on." I leave his hand and walk away in front, literally screaming mentally. I can hear his footsteps, jogging to catch up with me.

"You never get out of the 'teen' stage-" I swat his arm playfully, laughing. "Look at your hands. They're sweaty and your cheeks are awfully red."

"Aish, Omar! You have to make up for your mistake!" He pretends to be hurt by grabbing his shirt and plants a 'shocked' face.

"My mistake? Eh-nevermind, how?" I smirk.

"Watch K-drama with me." I know how much he hates them. According to him, they are awful, monotone, and totally a fairytale. I don't understand how K-dramas can be so, to him, but let's admit it! Every men would've said the same thing, if they know that their own wives love the actor of the drama and acknowledge the actor as 'handsome'.

"Err... I'm busy, I have to-" I place my finger on his lips to shut him up.

"Shush! You have to make it up to me..." I pout childishly. I grin when I hear him sighs, signaling that he's surrendered. "Aww, you love me."

"That's so obvious!"


I fiddle with the chain of keys in my hand. Numerous keys are hung on a single chain and there are two similar keys, one of them is the house's key. Yet I don't know which is which. I feel so dumb for not separating them.

"The key house... Is under the carpet. Make sure you'll separate them later," says Omar before inserting the key in the key-hole and within a second, the door flies open.

I walk pass through him and plasters a grin, "Welcome home!" He raises a brow, sifling a laugh. "Fine, I ruined the surprise. But whatever! You still have to eat. Now, because I've prepared you a lunch!"

I literally drag him to the kitchen where the dining table is placed. I stared hungrily at my own-made food. No offence, I made it. Though I can't help myself from being hungry, knowing that I didn't take breakfast and didn't even eat until now, eleven in the noon.

"All for me?" He asks with a 'wow' expression on his face. I nod with a smile.

"Of course," just after that, my stomach makes an extremely embarrassing sound which causes Omar to double over a laugh.

"Looks like someone's lying!" He teases, leaving me to blush as red as a tomato.

Anyway, we are able to cease the teases and laughs, and begin to eat the foods on the table, gradually. It feels good to be able to be back this way. What else does a wife wants more than being together with her own husband?

I plop down on the couch with a plate of pudding in my hands. I shove a spoon-full to Omar's mouth, and feeds myself too. I munch on the soft and creamy pudding, swallowing it before I decide to speak up about my plan for tomorrow and the future.

"So, I was planning to quit my job." I murmured slowly, but loud enough for Omar to hear with the sound of the T.V blaring through the living room. He almost choke on his drink.

"What? Quitting? Habibah, look--" He takes the plate from my hand and put on the table. He places his hands on my shoulders and gives a little squeeze to make look at him--right in the eyes. "I know I got angry, and I know the tragedies happened because of your job. We never had time to communicate with each other--but really, I never constrain you to quit the job. This is what you've wanted for since ages ago! This is what you dreamed for, right? To be a psychologist who helps the people who are slowly dying inside. So why should you quit? I know that a wife's job is supposed to stay at home and manage the household, but think of it again...?"

My mind has to process his words really slow. I wonder if I continue this job, will such things happen again, like what happened before?

"But Omar, I don't want anything to happen to our marriage again, you know."

"Nothing will happen, trust me. We just need to have faith in each other and communicate with each other. Faith and communication are the basic of a relationship, Habibah. Trust me, we're stronger than we were before. We learn from experiences." I can admit it myself that he's right. This is what I've been dreaming for since I was in middle school. I wanted to help people who are hurted mentally, who have scars not on their body, but on their heart. Because we all know, people always symphatize with patients of cancer, tumor, and deadly diseases--yet people call the psychology patients as 'crazy'. We always think that people with cancer needs sympathy because no one knows when will they leave the world--in short, we all know that cancer patients have less time remaining for their life. They're dying quickly. Yet no one knows that people with depression, stress and scars on their hearts are dying slowly, but painfully.

"I'll think about it again. But don't stop me if I'm quitting the job."

"Of course not. You're old enough to make the right decisions for yourself, habibti qalbiy(darling)." He smiles, kissing the top of my forehead. A smile appears on my lips. He manages to light up the electricity again, causing goosebumps to appear, once again, on my skin.

"Do you know how much I love you?"

"As much as you love chocolates?" He tries. I laugh at his stupid answer, but decided to play.

"Um, less to be honest." I grin. He pouts. "But you're my habibi(love), qalbiy(heart), wa hayati(and my life)... People say, don't be with someone whom you can live with, but be with someone whom you can't live without. You're that person."

"I notice my cheesiness spreading to you."

"Perhaps. But I'm liking it." I wink teasefully.


Pfffftt Assalamualaikum ya ahlul jannah! (Amiin amiin)

Tehee~ I know this chapter's so easy.. You may have problems handling the cheesiness, but duh~ YOU DON'T KNOW THE SORROW OF AN AUTHOR TRYING TO WRITE A CHEESY SCENE WITHOUT HERSELF MELTING OMG ok I'll stop the caps :)) But really, I wrote this in my class(in a notebook) and then when I went home, I copied it into the laptop.

Like omg! I was smiling and fake-crying by myself, in the middle of a silent class condition lol. Imagine the awkwardness! XD But it was worth it! At least I update before a week, right, habibti? ;) (It's okay I grimace too[sometimes] when a person calls me habibty) And I've been dedicating chapters! Woohoo! Those who haven't been dedicated, just wait! I'm checking through comments and pm's.. hehe.. I'll dedicate this after I get one to dedicate lol (I'm making a list for that:))

Anyway, I know you're always bored with my so called author speech or rant, I'm sorry I just love talking :D

But I swear I'll end this.. HERE. So, Wassalamualaikum warrahmatullah! Ma'asalaama!!

- best regards

xoxo (eyy de future wifey of lee min ho LOL XD)

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