Chapter 39

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I just want to apologize for not updating quickly due to my examinations. I thought I'd be able to update even when it's examination :) But it turns out that the examination is really important since I'm going to be in O'levels In sha Allah.. And also.. when I was about to update this chapter, MY COUSIN THREW MY PHONE.. Thanks to the cover, of course. I had a heart attack back then! At Sunday, my dad took my phone away and gave me.. just now. -_- No thanks to O'levels though XD

I hope you can understand. Thank you so much for the support and all the comforts, I'll try to update more frequently.

Here's an update though!❤ I'm so sorry if it's short.


Habibah's POV

In the amidst of cooking for dinner, I receive a call from the nurse who works with me. It's indeed a shock for me to receive such call since I have never received a call from her before. We only talk during our jobs, about our jobs.

“Hello, good evening. Yes, this is myself. Is there anything that I can help you?”

“Yes. I'm sorry for causing a disturbance in your evening, but I just want to remind you that sir Umar has decided that you shall start working from next week, Sunday.”

“Oh, sure. I'll be back on Sunday. Thank you for the reminder,” I reply.

“My pleasure. Have a good evening, Miss Habibah.”

“Yes, yes. Thank you, I hope you do too,” I answer gently and hang the call. I place my phone on the table and continue cutting the carrots, potatoes, onions,  and celeries.

I dump all of them in the pot, proceeding to cut the chicken into small pieces while waiting for the water to boil. I have decided to make a chicken soup and porridge for dinner. The porridge has just been cooked. Now, it's all time to put the chicken inside the pot as the water has boiled.

It takes about half an hour more before the chicken soup is also ready. I just have to prepare the table and wait for Omar to come home. He usually comes a bit after maghrib since he always pray first.

It's a great evening today. The shopping that I and the girls had this morning was amazing. They enjoyed it a lot and we had a lot of fun too. I bought them a coat for each since Winter is around the corner. In return, they bought me a box of chocolate too. I can never ask for more. It may seem nothing to receive a box of chocolate, but really. Chocolate is what I need right now.

The adzan-ul-maghrib has reverberate from the masjid to the whole neighbourhood, which signals that it's time for the evening Salah(Maghrib) to take place. I perform wudhu' without any further ado and get the prayer mat as well as the praying cloth out of the drawer. I lay the prayer mat out on the floor and pull the cloth over me. As the cloth covers my whole body except my palms and face, I stand properly while facing the Qiblah and raise my hands for Takbiratul Ihram.

It's about half past five in the evening when I hear the door shuts. I don't know why, but I feel this little exhiliration inside me. Perhaps because of the picture that I sent to Omar.

“Assalamualaikum?” Omar peeks in and enters the bedroom door with a closed-mouth smile. Always that heart-melting smile...

“Waalaikumsalaam. You must be tired a lot! You can have a shower, and I'll call you down for dinner!” I grin from ear to ear, practically like the Cheshire Cat.

I need to do the laundry before eating, and I'm sure Omar wouldn't like to eat alone. He just doesn't like to eat alone—he's so the opposite of me. I'd actually prefer to eat alone. It's like freedom and I can—literally—eat anything I want. The whole, even.

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