Chapter 28

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Habibah's POV

The incident of that day is now forgotten. I've decided to believe on Omar and listen to my mom's advice without anymore arguments. I think, I can safely say that I'm really trying to be the best wife.

I've also decided to forget the matter about Ra'eesa and Omar, trying my best to think good about the both of them-especially the matter about my teacher and him.

I suddenly laugh, thinking how childish I've been, through all these times. Maybe that's why my mom always told me to change, because she can't cope with my childish attitude anymore. I can't believe I've done that, I whisper in my heart, reminiscing the past few days. How childish was I, to stoop that low?

I stand up from my seat and head to the kitchen to pour a glass of milk for myself. As I sit on the counter, I hear the front door click. I smile, knowing that it must be Omar-and I'm right. He enters the kitchen with Salaam and drops his bag on the floor, running to me with a wide ear-to-ear smile.

"Habibah! I'm so happy for you!" I stare at him in confusion as he spins my body around.

"Okay okay, put me down Omar. I'm feeling dizzy," I groan, slipping away from his grip. He smiles down at me, handing me a folded paper. I make a quizzical expression. What can it be that makes Omar so happy?

I unfold the paper properly, trying to dissolve everything in my head. The name of the university appears first, follows by the title, 'The Achievers - 2014'.

"Is this...," I trail off, not knowing what to say. This can be somethung that I've been dreaming of!

"Just open it!" he chirps happily, still smiling down at me. I shrug and open the paper hastily-just to find myself being thrown away to the seventh sky. It feels like I'm floating in the air, happiness overhwelming inside me.

"Omar, are you serious?" I question, tears begin to form in my eyes.

"Yes!" Only with those three alphabets, a simple word can make me burst in tears-not because of sadness, but because of a huge happiness that I'm feeling. It's tears of happiness!

"Omar I-oh my goodness! How do you know? I thought they'll call tomorrow?"

"I saw it on the board, so I just took it off to give you an early surprise. Congratulations, Habibi," he kisses my forehead. I smile.

"But is that really fine? Aren't they gonna kill you or something? You know that The Achievers are supposed to be a secret," I question, worriedly. I don't want him to lose his job just because of this. Naudzubillah..

"Yeah, it's fine. They're supposed to call the top ten tonight anyway," I nod my head in response. "So... You're going to be a psychologist, huh?"

"Perhaps. Would it bother you if I work?"

"No, not at all. As long as you know your duties," he shrugs, giving the simplest answer. Even with that careless attitude, I can still sense him being infuriated.

"Okay then," I chug down the milk and place the glass in the sink.


Night time has come, and I have not yet receive any phone call from the University. I begin to think if it was a misprint or a mistake. It might've happened, right? I mean, the students who study psychology aren't ordinary students. It needs a great intelligence to study psychology and understand it-and I'm sure there are lots of students who are way more serious and intelligent in studies than I do.

"Your mind is always too occupied at night. I don't get it," Omar voices out. He pulls the blanket over our bodies, his elbow supporting the wight of his head as he faces me. I only flash him a close mouth smile. "You overthink. A lot."

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