Chapter 23

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Habibah's POV

Just as soon as the car stops, I turn to look at Omar with a look. Today's Omar's first day at the Univ, and I'm pretty sure he'll do best, even though I'm afraid if any girl would flirt with him.

"Please don't flirt."I smile at him, fixing his tie, and hit his chest, on the spot where his heart is located. I poke his chest, while saying, "I don't share. This is only for me."He laughs at my childish reaction.

"Yes baby girl."He pinches my cheeks, making me go red. I stick out my tongue in reply.

"Good luck for the day! See you later. Assalamualaikum."I crawl out of the car and walk in to the Univ first. Even though I don't want anyone to know that we are husband and wife, and even though I don't want to mix the problems of relationship and univ, I won't hesitate to kill someone (Okay well maybe not that cruel).

I enter the class and mumble Alhamdulillah as I see the front row are still empty. I immediately take the front row, middle seat. While waiting for the class to fill up, I revise the last week's works. I shove back the books inside my bag when I see everyone piling up into the room.

"This must be yours."I hear a voice from behind. I turn around and find the new guy, holding my folder. What?

"Yeah... Thank you."I don't want to talk about anything any further, so I don't question him about how could it be with him.

"You drop it while packing the books, I guess."I nod, my mouth forming an O.

"Oh, my bad. Thanks."He simply nods and extends out his arm.

"Anas Salim."I smile.

"Habibah."I introduce myself without shaking his hand. I notice him blushing in embarrassment. He soon walks back to his seat and so the class starts.


After I fix my hijab, I glance at my reflection one last time, before I head towards the next class. I smile as I realize that it is Arabic class. I can't wait to see him teaching. I'd be like the cliché girl who falls in love with her own teacher.

I run to the class, not wanting to get late. I stop in front of the door, panting. "Oh Allah, I can't breathe."I pant. I'm really bad at running and controlling my breaths after running.

"Ehem."I recognize clearly the familiar voice. The voice that makes my heart skip a beat. As soon as I turn to look at him, I almost jump to him, but then realize that my position here, is as a student.

"I'm sorry."I walk in to the class and sit in the middle row. I can't bear sitting in front row.

"Assalamualaikum Warrahmatullah."He greets the class as soon as he enters the room. He places his bag on the desk and looks at the class properly. "As you know, I'm the new teacher, and my name is Omar Abdullah."I spot some girls whispering and giggling. I curl my fists into a ball. Oh this is going to be interesting!

"So, let's start with the introduction."He continues. The class begin to introduce themselves and when it's my turn, I blush. All of them are waiting for me to introduce myself. I feel uncomfortable with the stares, especially Omar's intense stare. I cough to clear out my throat and speak up.

"I'm Habibah."I hastily introduce and sit back down, catching a glance of Omar stifling a laugh.

The class goes by well. We haven't study yet, just revising the previous lessons. Omar himself is a good teacher, I can tell. Although he gets pretty nervous when he sees the girls staring at him.

As we all head out from the Arabic class, my phone vibrates, signaling a new message. I take out the phone from my bag, after minutes of invading my bag. The message's from my old school friend: Noor Ain. I'm happy to receive her invitation. It's been ages since we met, the last time was at my wedding, and everyone was busy so they couldn't spend a lot of time with me. Noor Ain, Natasya, Amyrah and Anees are a group of Malaysians who are my friend. We were always together since middle school, until we graduated and they went separate ways.

To: Noor Ain

Thank you for the invitation, In sha Allah I'll come :D

Before I have to go to Maths, I decide to meet Omar to ask about the invitation. Because if he allows, then he shall go home alone and I'll take the taxi.

My hand wraps around the door knob. I don't know why but I feel nervous. Not because there'll be people questioning about why I'd like to meet Omar, but also because the staff room is combined for male and female teachers. I knock on the door lightly, but no one opens it. After knocking thrice, I finally surrender and barge inside. That may be mannerless, but I have a reason to.

I walk in. Thankfully the staff room is empty, but then, I freeze when I see the sight of my husband with another female. My hand flies to my mouth. And then they both notice.

"Habibah? Uh, wait. I'll tell you."He shoves the female away gently and runs to me, taking the both of my hands in his', then pull me to the back side of the Univ.

"Habibah, listen-"

"No. How could you? How could you let her?"I yell, folding my fists into a ball, holding the tears back. "We're married Omar!"

"I know. It's not like what you think."

"All guys say that when they're caught cheating, Omar Abdullah!"He knows well that I only pronounce his full name when I'm extremely mad.

"Wallahi it wasn't like that."I cross my arms, avoiding to look at him. He hold my hands, "She, Reese, is an English teacher-"

"I know that. She's my teacher anyway."I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, well she was asking me some arabic poem like that. So I was trying to translate it and make her understand, and she suddenly sit near me. I tried keeping distance anyway. She suddenly leaned on my shoulder. I was going to push her-"

"But you enjoyed."I cut him off with a snap. He sighs. Good.

"No. I was about to push her, when you barged in."A part of me believe him, but the other don't. I sigh. Maybe he's right. After all, he wouldn't do that.

"You serious?"

"Wallahi."I stare inside his eyes, hoping if I can tell. I nod my head.

"Fine, I believe you, for now. But I still don't like her way. I knew she is a-"He covers my mouth with his hand.

"Don't. It's not good talking bad about people. Especially your teacher. She's done a lot for you."I smile apologetically.

 "I want to ask."

"What?"He frowns.

"My friend texted me if I can spend the evening with them? In her house."He strokes his beard. A habit that I found from him, when he's thinking.

"Okay. But I'll drive you there and will pick you too."

"No it's fine. I'll go with a taxi. I know you have many works-"

"No. I'll drive you. Taxis are not safe nowadays, and I don't want anything to happen to you."I grin and I head back to my class, not forgetting to warn him to stay away from females.

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