Chapter 32

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Assalamualaikum... I just want to clear this out XD So... a few people thought that what I wrote in the previous chapter, "bow down," is wrong. It's not, because it's not literally bowing down as in 180°like sujud. No, it's not like that. It's the type of bow as in bow in respect like you do when you meet the elders, or thanking bow like after you perform on stage. Ok? So it's not the sujud type of bow. I just wanted to clarify that. So yeah.. And THANK YOU for the 1+k votes :) ❤

Habibah's POV

"Assalamualaikum..." I knock on the door of my parents' house with my suitcase. Yepp that's it. This is final. I'm staying here.

"Waalaikumsalaam--Habibah? What are you doing here? Come on in, it's Maghrib, it's bad to stay out." Yusuf's the one who opens the door. I enter the house while Yusuf carries my suitcase. I'm sure everyone's going to be disappointed in me for being so immature and leaving the house instead of trying to fix it.

I remember clearly all of the tough times that my mom went through, in the early years of my parents' marriage. They used to fight, a lot, and in all honesty, I understand because they both were young and selfishness and ego wasn't a doubt that they had those characteristics. But even so, my mom managed to stay in the house, because she knew clearly that the whole household was her responsible. But me? Just a little obstacle, I can't manage to stay and convince Omar to believe me instead of the pictures.

"Sit down, I'll call mom and dad." Yusuf suggests, but I stop him.

"Don't. I'll just go back to my own old room." I nod.

"Fine, you know where's your room right?" I chuckle.

"Obviously." I take a hold of my suitcase and drag it upstairs, towards my room. I push the door open and place the suitcase under my bed, immediately falling on my bed. Oh how I miss this place. But I wonder... How's he doing there? Is he sleeping? Or is he having a sleep-problem like I do too?

I shrug those thoughts away and force myself to sleep--and eventually, I drift into a good sleep.


"No, I'm not letting you stay here, Habibah! You have to go back to the house, that's where you belong now." My mom says in the verge of anger. I can tell that she's so disappointed in me.

The next morning after that horrifying day, my parents come to know that I've been staying there since last night. They begin questioning me and well, it doesn't seem to go well, since my mom hates my coward-self.

"Face him, Habibah. Isn't that what I always taught you? To face the problems, finish them in a family way." Instead of the stern, angry voice that I hear since early in the morning, this time, her true-self begin to reveal. Her voice become slow, soft as tears are brimming in her eyes.

"Mom, please... Let me stay here for a while." I plead. My dad remains silent throughout our whole argument.

"Stay here? What are you, Habibah? A coward? What have I taught you? I had far worst problems than you do, but I stayed still. I stayed beside your father even when annoyance was all I could see in his eyes. Why did I stay? Because I have to be strong! For the sake of the family, the children, love, but most importantly, the marriage. You have to be strong! Just like I was!" She's crying... I hate to see her crying, especially knowing that I'm the reason to her tears. It breaks my heart.

"I'm sorry mom. I just want to stay here for a while, until he realizes his mistakes."

"Not everyone realize their mistakes easily, Habibah. What if he doesn't realize it at all?"

"Then..." I can't answer her. She's right. But on the other hand, I don't want to move back, if he still doesn't believe me.

"I'll drop you there by tomorrow morning, Habibah." I stand up from my seat.

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