Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Habibah POV

The idiots, or mainly known as the four twins, has went out to the sports club. My dad has left to do some emergency works which has to be done today - and it means I am alone. At home with mum. I don't like it...

"Habibah. I was calling your name many times,"she says in a grumble.

"Sorry mum,"I apologize. She nods and lays her head back on the couch.

"Have you found him?"she suddenly asks

"What do you mean?"I question doubtfully. She just looks at me.

"I think it's time for you to leave your single status,"for once, mum really cares about my love life. "In sha Allah (Allah's will - God willing) I will have you meet my friend's son."

My heart immediately neglects it.

"Mum, I think it is okay. Allah knows who is best. If it is fate, then trust me, someone will come someday."I hold her hands. She frowns.

"But you are twenty three next month. How longer shall you wait?"I shake my head. I do not know too...

"I don't know."I shrug, "I just want to focus in my career first."

"Your career. Being a housewife is the best career for women. Nothing is as high as being a housewife," she says. I frown. What was the use of me studying?

But just to calm my mom, I reply, "Fine... I will try - but let me study to get my degree too, please,"I plead. I know she would definitely say yes.

"Okay,"is her reply. I feel a shoot of weird feeling in me, remembering how am I suppose to find my partner? Oh well...Allah knows best.


My legs immediately push me out of the class as soon as it ends. I walk out to the hot days in mid-April. It is exhausting and annoying to wait for a taxi to pass by, especially in this time of the day. From the corner of my eye, I see a single female waiting for her transport, I guess - and soon, she walks to me, greeting with a Salaam (Greetings that Muslims say to each other when they meet, like hi).

"Habibah?"I raise my forehead. How does she know?

"Yes. You?"

"Amira. Amira Abdullah."I nod. She sounds familiar, well oh well.

"Are you aunty Azizah's daughter?"I nod again. How does she know?!


"Our moms are good friends. Oh there he is,"her eyes dart to the gold GMC Chevrolet car. The window rolls down as soon as the car stops.

"Yalla."He asks her. Who is he? None of my business, uh.

"I have to go now. Bye, Assalamualaikum (May peace be upon you)."She walks away and enters the car. I wait for the car to go, but it doesn't. Until minutes later, Amira - I think, comes out of the car again and asks me, "Need a ride? My brother says you can join. We know your house."I debate whether to accept or not. A brother? They know my house? How creepy.

"La', shukran."I try to excuse, but she tows up her lips to smile and encourages me to come with her, once again - and finally I surrender. I walk to their car and enter it. It feels awkward to sit here, with people I don't really know.

With a single glance, I can't see anything of the guy's appearance, I can only see that he has a beard. A black brown-ish beard - and I like it. Huh?! I mean, guys with beard just make me like them. Personally, beards are Sunnah, and the guys who have patience to grow a beard, won't they have the patience to serve their family too? Well, that's from a quote, and I do believe so.

As soon as I arrive at home, I open the door to exit, "Thank you for the ride. Want to visit?"I question, to Amira ofcourse.

"Shukran, but we better get going. We have some event to attend,"she answers, "take care. See you tomorrow In sha Allah..."

"In sha Allah."I smile and walk out while saying, "Assalamualaikum,"I step on my door-step and wait for them to leave, before entering the house with another Salaam.


YALLA = Let's go / Come on

La' = No

Shukran = Thank You

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