Chapter 31

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Omar's POV (A/N: Omar fans, please calm down :3)

I've just arrive at the office with my raw mood. The busy schedule of Habibah has gotten on my nerves lately. I shouldn't have let her get her license if I know this is what will happen.

She goes to the hospital at seven in the morning and comes home after Maghrib. Sometimes, a negative thought would appear, but thankfully, I'm mature enoigh to stop my brain from ruining my life.

Currently, I'm inside a class, observing the whole students as they are taking their test.

"Remember the importance of the test." I remind them all, literally glaring at a boy who's trying to cheat from the girl sitting next to him. He immediately lowers his head and focuses back on his test paper, after he catches me glaring at him. Good.

"Mr. Abdullah?" My head tilts to look at the person calling my name. There's the man who sends mails for the workers in this university.

"Just a sec," I excuse myself from the class and walk towards the man, questioning myself. I never receive any mail.

The man extends his hands to show an envelope that he's been holding. Envelope? Huh? I sign on the paper before grabbing a hold of the envelope.

"Jazakallah," I nod and walk back inside after shutting the door. I place the envelope on the table before observing the class again.


The break finally arrive. Well, not really a break, but since I don't have any class to teach during this time, I consider it as a break for myself.

This is the time where I'm thankful that they have a cafe near the university because I forgot to bring my lunch. Sorry Habibi.

I take a sip from my orange juice before tearing the envelope, revealing a letter and photographs. Photographs? Curiosity floods over me. I never asked for any photographs...? Even though I'm more curious than the cat, I decide on reading the letter first.


I hope after you see the photographs, you'll realize that she's not as good and pious as you think. Indeed, she's far worst than what you thought of me.

Your beloved past.'

My eyebrows pinch together. I'm not reading this wrong, right? Who's my beloved past and who's she?

Without thinking twice, I snatch all of the photographs from the envelope, placing them all on the table and I slowly take a look at them. So... she's the she?

"I should've known the reasons to why you always come late." I whisper to myself. These all... How stupid am I? How stupid am I to let all of these happen? I feel like she's just playing with my feelings.

I'm speechless and it feels like my heart is being rended. Is this all revenge? Revenge of what Ra'eesa and I've done? Why doesn't she realize that Ra'eesa is my past and I love her now, instead of Ra'eesa. I love her more than myself and I'd do anything to protect her and to be by her side.


Habibah's POV (A/N: breathe girls, breathe XD)

I've just finished the report about the last patient, Ambers-and now I have to give the report to Umar because he's the highest doctor in the psychology's section.

"Mr. Umar? This is the report of the last case, Ambers." I smile, extending my arms to hand him the files. He nods his head and says that I can now leave. I bow in respect and walk out of his office.

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