Chapter 33

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Habibah's POV

"Days without you are like a garden without flowers. Dull and monotonous." Yes, that quote suits my position right now.

I've been convincing myself for the past few days that he will surely come to get me. But everytime I think so, a part of me succeeds to make me believe that he won't. And I've thought about it in the past few days... What if he doesn't know about this? What if he doesn't know that my dad won't let me go back there unless he fetches me himself?

"You're a horrible person, Habibah... You are..." I whisper to myself while staring at the mirror. My eyebags have become so prominent like a panda's eyes. My lips are dry and pale too, since I rarely drink a sufficient amount of water. I'm sure I'll be dehydrated if I continue doing so until next week.

I grab my phone harshly from the table. I'm not going to be childish and immature anymore. I'm going to call him! And try again and again until he accepts the phone call.

"Accept it, please... Please... Please... Please--ahh!" I growl in frustration, throwing my phone away--and once again, I weep, for like the... Fifth time in this day. "I hate myself! I hate myself!"

I sob, "why do I always have to ruin things?" I question myself like an idiot.

"Habibah? I brought your lunch! Can I come in?" I'm surprised to hear Yusuf's voice by the door. Usually, mom would be the one to make a move to feed me or get me out of the room. No one budged to cheer me up except mom.

"Yes..." I reply through my sobs, but loud enough for him to hear.

He enters my room with a tray of food, various drinks and medicine--yes, I still have to drink the syrup to stabilize my ulcer disease. In all honesty, I think I'm going mad or something. I just feel like I'm too depressed and stressed out, that I'm afraid, I'll be the one ending up in a psychogist's room, or even worst, in an asylum.

"You look... like a freak."

"Thanks for the compliment." I'm in no mood to fight with him and argue with him about my appearance. What do you expect from a stressed and depressed person anyway?

"No really. You have to move on. What if he's like... What if he won't come back?"

"We're still married, islamically and lawfully, so don't you dare tell me to move on!" He looks taken aback by my harsh tone.

"I didn't mean so! I meant, you have to stop being like a mess! Why don't you just go back there yourself?"

"Dad doesn't--"

"No, don't tell me that just because dad doesn't allow you to, then you are not supposed to go there! You said that yourself that you are still married, so why should you wait for dad's approval? He's in no charge of holding you back like that!" I've never seen this side of Yusuf--mature and wise.

"That's not the problem..."

"Whatsoever is the problem, you have to go back there and finish your problem with him. You studied Islam better than I did, so don't let me prove to you that your studies turned into a waste." He glares at me, literally. I sigh.


"I know my name's Yusuf, duh? Go..."

"Fine, I will, okay? But you help me out! Don't let dad know that I'm going back there, okay?"

"Promise. Now eat this, take a shower and get ready. I already fixed your car, so no worries."

"Thank you so much! Jazakallah oppa(older brother)!" I smile, for the first time in like a decade.

"No problem, Wa iyyakum dongsaeng(little sibling)." I grab a hold of his wrist. "Ow! What?"

"Did you said dongsaeng? Eh, how did you know?"

"I saw it from your facebook's korean-drama club."

"Huh, stalker." He chuckles.


I succeed to run away with Yusuf from home to go to our house.

On the way to our house, I don't know why, but my palms are sweating and my chest feels like tightening, causing me out of breath. It feels like... something's not going well...

"Your breath is hitching." Yusuf remarks, taking a glance at me. I nod my head. "Why?"

"I feel something's not going well."

"Keep it to yourself and pray." I agree to do what he tells me to do. I keep on mouthing Istighfar and ayat-ul-kursi. I hope everything's fine.

I arrive at the house, filled with confusion as Omar's car is not parked in front of the house. I doubt that he'll be at univ since today is a weekend and it's a holiday for the teachers.

"Come on!" I grab Yusuf's wrist and drag him with me to the door-step, checking my bag for the keys. Once I get it, I immediately unlock the door, my mouth gaping at the sight.

The house is literally like a titanic. Everything's messy, most of the things in the shelves and cupboards are all out on the floor.

"Sounds like a war just broke out." Yusuf grimaces.

"He's not here...?"

"In his parents' house, maybe?" I shrug, grabbing my phone from my bag and quickly dial Amira's number.

"Assalamualaikum?'' Her usual cheery, high-pitched voice turns into a slow, sweet anf soft voice. What happened?

"Waalaikumsalaam... Amira! Do you know where's Omar?" I hear her sighs from the other end of the line before sobs are all I can hear. Did he... No he couldn't! This can't be!

"H-Habibah, even though now I hate you for what you have done, somehow you're still my sister-in-law, you're still my brother's wife. So I'd highly appreciate your arrival in the Hamad hospital." After that, the line goes dead. Her words definitely struck me. I've caused a person to hate me...?

(Assalamualaikum! Yes, this is a super short chapter >< sorry~ I'm saving the best parts for the next chappie ;3 XD Comment below of what you think might have happened to Omar! Anyway.. a question: Happy ending or Tragic ending? XD

Remember XD vote is amazing, but comments are way more amazing! xD~)

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