Chapter 42

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Assalamualaikum.. Here's an update. I'm so sorry if the updates are less and not that much of a satisfaction. O'levels is harder than I thought :/ Anyhow, please leave feedbacks/comments below.

Habibah's POV

After days of not coming to this specific place, today, I finally step my foot back into this place.

The sound of my footsteps echo through the halls, even when I take turns and eventually stop in front of the female staff room.

I knock thrice on the door before entering the room and welcome the warm presence of my female fellows.

“Habibah! How are you? What happened?” My nearest friend, Vina, who is an Oncologist comes forward to greet me. She pulls me in a short hug before staring at me in expect of an answer.

“Alhamdulillah. . . I'm fine, what about you?” For a while, I don't dare to answer her query of 'what happened'. Instead, I pull her towards my chair, place my handbag on my chair before talking back to her.

“I'm good. So, what happened? I heard you had some terrible accident?”

I smiled politely, “Yes. . . God's testing me.”

“What really happened?” She questions further. She approaches the coffeemaker, makes two and hands me a cup of cappucino. I mouth her a 'thank you'.

“You know. . . Just, unusual couple problem. But I learned from my mistakes and what had happened. I guess my husband and I are still not used to this whole husband and wife thingy. That's why we're kind of messed up—before. Now, we're fine and we're learning. . . I guess.” I reply shortly before sipping my cappucino, which is amazingly tasty. No wonder. . . Everyone wants to have a drink with Vina every single time. She's a good beverage maker.

“Aww. I'm sorry to hear that. I'm not married myself, so I don't know what to advise you. Sorry, hunny.” I smile when she rubs my back in apology and sympathy.

“It's fine.”

We can only chat for a while before I have to grab my coat, wear it over my outfit and head towards Umar's office. The nurse who called me earlier—last week to be precise—welcomes me in.

Umar, as usual, sits upon his chair while frantically flipping through some documentaries.

“Ehm. Mr. Umar, is there anything I can help you with?” He tilts his head upward to see me and smiles gleefully. Weird.

“Oh! Miss Habibah! I'm so happy to see you right now. I'm sorry for the incidents that happened to your family. But as a working-partner, I just want to convey the message sent by the head of HMC. He said that you ought to work more diligently, because as he've examined; you have taken a lot of leave permissions. It's a warning from him, and I hope you take it seriously.” He explains in detail, his gaze moves back and fro between the computer screen and myself.

“Yes, I'll consider it seriously. Thank you.” I smile respectfully.

“You're welcome.” He pauses to glance at the document. “You have a duty with me, because Miss Lisa is in a leave due to her husband's illness checkup. It's only for today though, so don't worry. From now onwards, you'll be with Miss Amal, but for today, you need to be in place of Lisa. Is that fine?”

“Yes, that's fine. . .” I plaster a smile on my face. I know that he was the cause of the dispute between Omar and I, but this is work. Omar cannot interrupt my work as I can't interrupt his'. Besides, we're trying to be mature and understanding.

Umar nods his head and asks me to follow him to the district of inpatient of psychological illness. We stop in front of a gigantic, vast room, which is currently the room for therapy/counseling of the patients. Inside the room, it is further divided into a five spaces for each patient and doctor.

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