Chapter 47

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Habibah's POV

Today is exactly the fifth month of my pregnancy. And during these months, I've been drinking the milk, just like what Omar demands. Every single day.

Since it's been five months now, I'm super careful about myself, my diet and my activities. As I heard from a lecture that the ruh is blown into the baby at month four of the pregnancy, thus I have to think not only about myself, but the fetus inside too. Literally before doing something, I think twice before doing the actual thing.

And even though my belly is swelling bigger, heavier and sweat drops easily even by just walking for 5 minutes under the sun, I still go to work, buy the groceries and do the chores. That's the hard job of a woman-a mother, specifically. And everytime my body sweats doing the chores, and the feel of those tiny movements inside that sometimes make me feel nausea, cause me to think back about my mom. The woman who carried me inside for nine whole months, during every activity. No matter how tough the activity is, she carried me. Then she had to sacrifice her life just to let me into the world, feed me, teach me, and she had to let me go. . . To the arms of another person, a man. She had to let her daughter go, after all the rough times she went through, because of me-but in the end, her sweats and hard work paid off. I got a man of my life-a man who fears Allah and loves his Prophet, thus following his (SAW)'s steps on treating his wife gently, like a fragile glass. And I realize. . . How hard a mother's work is-yet shr never steps back. Her nights are filled with pain and sorrow, unable to sleep properly with a swollen belly. But it's the fact-moms still carry their babies, no matter what. That's one of the things what man can never do.

As I'm currently on a break from work, I decided to call mom for a while.

"Assalamualaikum mom?"

A cough is heard from the other side of the line, "Waalaikumsalaam, Habibah. How are you, dear?"

"I'm fine, mom, alhamdulillah. What about you-are you sick?"

"I just got a cough. No worries, dear. Can you call me later? I'm in the hospital and it's my cue now."

"Uh-okay. Take care, mom. Love you lots. Wassalamualaikum." The line ends with a reply to my Salaam. I huff out a sigh-I hope she's fine.

I head out of my room and towards the stairs. One step. . . Two step. . . Why is my head dizzy?

I look around the hospital-my sight gets blurry. The lights just seem like a bokeh to me. I hold on to the railing of the stairs. To be honest, I've been feeling dizzy lately-ever since I hit the fourth month of pregnancy. Sometimes I feel like fainting too-or a sharp pain in the abdomen. But I thought they're normal.

"Habibah?" I hear the voice of Miss Amal from behind. Oh, thank goodness.

The sound of her footsteps get near, signaling that she's now just beside me. I whisper, "I can't see properly-and my head is dizzy. Can you-can you take me to the nurse?" She doesn't reply, but instead, I feel her placing my arm on her shoulder and put a hand on my waist.

"Hang on, Habibah." Slowly, we pass by the flight of stairs. And as we walk by to the ER, I feel my whole body weakens-it's like falling asleep. My mind gets off and my body feels light.

Just as I hear the gape and scream of a nurse, and Miss Amal's hand letting go of my waist-my eyelids shut, hence my body becomes uncontrolled by me.

• • •

I thought I left, but when I feel the light rays hitting my skin and my face, my eyes flutter open just in time to see the shining sun-its light blinding my vision.

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