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(Assalamualikum! Yes-an epilogue for y'all! I have seen the comments and I feel bad for not writing an epilogue-so there you go. I wrote it! :) Thank you for everything, people! Oh and this book hasn't been revised, so I'm sorry for any mistakes :3

There will be no sequel to this book. I'm 100% positive. And I'm writing another story, For Good. Please check it out! :) I would love to read your comments on that book just like how you write lovely things on this book and I hope you support it just like this book too! Once again, thank you! Love you loads~)

The color of her eyes, her nose structure, her thin lips-she's just like Omar. However, we have similar traits too and I can see that in her.

I pull the curtains, allowing the bright sun to enlighten the room. The blinding sun, the chirping birds and the heat of Summer freshes me.

"Aqilah, wake up. . ." I whisper as I stroke her sleek black hair. She doesn't wake up. So, I shake her body lightly until she whines but she sits up anyway, before stretching her arms in all direction, causing a smile to form on my lips. "Had a good sleep? Let's get ready! Grandma and grandpa will be here soon."
Yes, my parents and Omar's parents are now grandparents to our daughter, Aqilah Abdullah. She is now three years old, Alhamdulillah.

Initially, I was afraid of the possibilities that I might fail being a mother-but as soon as I held her in my arms and had her beside me as I slept, all the worries were swept away. I was able to make through sleepless nights and tiring moments of a mother. Even if it's hard, at first, I'm used to it now.

"Habibah? What should I make for breakfast?" Omar questions with his half-asleep face. I hold back a laugh.

"Just make french toast bread and omelette." Omar has been improving his cooking skills since Aqilah's birth.

I hadn't been working after Aqilah's birth, but when she had her third birthday, I decided to continue working and take night shifts so Omar can take care of Aqilah while I'm away.

"O. . .kay." He makes thumbs up in between his yawn. I smile.

I proceed on bathing Aqilah and dress her up into a hooded tiger onepiece. She looks so cute! I pinch her cheeks because of her cuteness. She only whines.

Even when I believe that Aqilah's growing, something bothers me though. She's already three yet she can't say anything-not even 'mama' and 'papa'. I've told Omar about this when she was two because I believe it's abnormal-but he shrugged it off and said that she'll say something soon. But even now until she's three, she doesn't speak anything yet.

Nonetheless, I try to shrug the negativity off of my mind and begin to get ready for the trip. We are going to a swimming park with mines and Omar's parents as well as our siblings-including Jassim. Alhamdulillah, Jassim got married to a colleague of his. We were all really happy about him! My brothers had gotten married too. Their partners were uniquely twins too! We are just left with Hanifah, Hanaya and Amira and I hope they get married soon.

By the time I have gotten ready, our parents have arrived already. So without anymore ado, I carry Aqilah in my one arm-since she's pretty light because of premature birth-and a bag in my other.

"Wah! Aqilah! Come here with aunty!" Amira squeal, heading out of the car with her arms wide open. I hand Aqilah to her and head to the car to place the bag inside the trunk.

"Yo!" Jassim greets. That guy still has a teenage-boy heart even though he's like thirty now.

"Stop acting young and get a kid already!"

"I am!" My eyes widen.

"Really? Where's Sarah? Lemme see her belly!"

"No, wait! It's still two months old so there isn't really a bump yet." He scratches the back of his neck. Geez, he's still the same as ever.

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