Chapter 18

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Habibah's POV

After I get out of the wedding dress, I hesitate to keep the hijab on, or put it off. I know that he's now my husband, but I still can't stop myself from getting nervous. I decided to just wrap the scarf around my head without covering it tightly.

I walk out of the bathroom, greet by the silence.

"Omar?"I whisper in confusion. Where can he be? I jog down to the kitchen, after hearing some noises from the kitchen. "What are you doing?"He jumps in startle, a pan falls from his hand.

"I-uh. I was just trying to cook... you know."He smiles nervously, scratching the back of his neck. I think that's his habit to scratch the back of his neck when he's nervous.

"I can do it for you."

"You would? Uh-I mean, is it okay?"I silently laugh at his behaviour. He's cute when he's nervous. I approach him and pick the pan up from the floor.

"Course. It's my duty."I smile at him while I fill the pan with water. "Pasta?"He nods.

Once the water boil, I pour all the maccaronis to the pan, and make the sauce for it on the other pan.

"Thank you though."He says, sitting down on the chair. I walk up to him and smile. "Can I ask?"I nod.


"Are you-errr going to wear the scarf?"I blush when he says so. I shrug. "You shouldn't. No, I mean... you shouldn't wear it if you don't want to."

"I'll see."I reply with a smile and walk back towards the stove, turning it off and filter the maccaronis, placing the maccaronis on a bowl. "Done. Should I take it for you too?"

"Oh no no. I can do it."He answers quickly, taking a plate for himself. "Do you want?"

"No, I'm still full."I smile, shoving my hands inside my pockets while rocking myself back and forth. " does it taste?"

"Emm...Great!"I laugh at his reaction. I sit beside him, just watching him eat. "Seriously Habibah. Staring is creepy."I laugh again.

"I know... You just look funny. You're like a kid who just got a pack cotton candy."He raises his brow.

"Do I look funny? Or you're impressed?"I hit his arm playfully.

"You look funny. Don't get too arrogant, mister!"

"I'm not. But I look cute, don't I?"He wiggles his brows cutely. Cutely... Is that even a word?


"Really? I'm hurt!"He says in a dramatic tone. I laugh at him, suddenly wrapping my arms around him and I feel him tense.

"I'm sorry."This time, he laughs at me.

"It's fine."He smiles.

After he finishes his food, I wash the dishes(after debating with him about who should wash the dishes) and we walk back upstairs to our bedroom. It still feels weird to say us, we, our rather than he or I or he and I. When he shuts the door, that's when my nervousness comes again. He walks over to the bed and climbs up while I stand still near the table lamp.

"Habibah?"His voice sounds more quiet and softer than before. "I don't bite, I swear."I laugh nervously.

"Yeah..."And I climb up the bed, settling down just far from him. I turn to face my right side, which is the table lamp. Well I don't mean to ignore him, but facing your right side when you sleep is a sunnah as well.

Omar stands up to shut the light and kneels down in front of me. Don't tell me he's going to tell me something cheesy and cliche. "Should I sleep on the couch? If you don't feel uncomfortable."

"No no! It's okay."He nods, going back to the other side of the bed. Once he settles on the bed, he wishes me a good night. "You too." And slowly, I drift in a peaceful sleep.


I wake up in the morning due to someone shaking my body. Surely, it's Omar. I open my eyes to see him holding my phone. "Your friend."

"Oh, thanks."I whisper and he replies with a nod, leaving the room to give me some space. "Assalamualaikum, hello?"I put the phone on my ear and press it with shoulder to balance it as I pull my hair in a bun.

"Waalaikumsalaam. Habibah? I'm sorry to disturb hehe."From the voice, it sounds like Soffy. "Well I was wondering if I can visit your house? I'm sorry for disturbing you though."

"Yeah sure. I'm not living in my parents' house anymore though."

"Oh is that so?"

"Yepp. I'll text you the address. When will you come?"I question her as I begin to clean the bed.

"Around eleven. Before Dzuhr. Is that okay?"

"Yeah... I'll see you soon then. Wassalamualaikum."

"Waalaikumsalaam."I place the phone on the table and fold the blanket, settling it properly on the bed. I walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. After I clean the bedroom, I jog downstairs to see what Omar is doing. And he's only sitting on the sofa, hands covering his face.

"Omar? What's wrong?"I question worriedly. I hope he doesn't have any problem with me. Not yet, never, please...

"Yes? Nah... No I'm still sleepy I guess."He shrugs like nothing's bothering him, though I know there must be something.

"Really? Are you sure there's nothing wrong? I study psychologist and have been learning about people's emotions just by seeing their eyes. Don't lie to me, Omar, please."

"I just... I don't know how you'll react to this, but... I just lost my job."I don't know how to reply. I stay silent still. "But I'll try to find a job, I swear."I only flash him a smile.

"That's fine. I'm sure you'll get one." I immediately change the topic so he won't feel upset, "Oh, I was wondering if you know the address to this house because my friend wants to visit us."He nods knowingly.


"How do you know?"

"Well her husband, Isa is my friend. I'll text Isa about the address."I nod my head, mouthing a thank you.

After I cook some foods for the guests and us, I run upstairs to take a bath and get dress as well.

I take out an abaya from the closet, quietly staring at it. It doesn't look like any of the abayas that I have. The abaya looks pretty with hoodie and a tie at the waist, but still it's not mine, I can't wear it. "Omar, I think the twins packed the wrong clothes."

"It's yours."I glance at him in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"I bought it for you a week ago. I thought you'd like a hoodie abaya."I smile, walking over to him and pinching his cheeks teasefully.

"Aww, thank you Omar! I love this!"He replies with a grin.

"I'm glad you do. Try it on. I'm sure you'll look great!"I smile, pulling it over my head and spin around. "SubhanAllah! So gorgeous, wallahi."I laugh at his compliment.


"No I swear wallahi! You look so gorgeous, cutey pie!"He emphasizes the words, pinching my cheeks.

"Ow ow! It hurts."He grins apologetically, taking my hand in his'.

"I'm glad to have you, you know that right? I lo-"Ting tong! The bell rings, interrupting Omar's words. I give him a smile, an apologetic smile and wear my hijab before running down the stairs to greet the guests.

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