Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Omar's POV

As soon as my family and I get home, I walk up to bed almost immediately. I can't seem to forget the fact that she cooked the food. It's good to know that she can cook our traditional food. Most importantly, she cooked my favourite dessert which is like some type of jelly, but it's a national dessert from our country.

"Seems like you're already too in love with her."Jassim suddenly barge into my room, wiggling his brows as I groan.

"No. I'm just thinking okay,"I say with a hint of annoyance. I do have this interest upon her, but I just don't want anyone to know. Just not yet...

"Fine, go continue being a liar - but we all know that you do love her!"He sticks out his tongue childishly before running away from my room - uh.

I fall back to bed and begin thinking about the way she walked down to the living room, it's as if she's such a precious princess. And her way of talking, her voice so slow and smooth, as smooth as a silk. I know these thoughts are haraam, and yet again, I can't help myself. SubhanAllah...

Just after then, my phone vibrates, signaling a new notification and when I do check it, my eyes become wide. Yaqub and Yusuf have just invite me to a WeChat group, of themselves, Habibah and I. I let out a groan before replying them.

Yaqub: Assalamualaikum

Yusuf: Yeah salaam! So Habibah, this is Omar, and Omar, this is Habibah! :)

Omar: Waalaikumsalaam. Is this Halaal?

Yusuf: Deffo? Well you both aren't talking face to face. Besides, we know you want to know each other more, so we figured out this way! And don't worry, Yaqub and I are online 24/7, so you can't talk pervertedly.

I narrow my eyes at the last message. I wonder what Habibah thinks right now. Astaghfirullah... She probably hasn't open her phone?

Omar: I think it's clear that Islam has five daily prayers that we should observe. Are you sure you're 24/7 online? We'll see, shan't we?

Yusuf: I was exaggerating! P.S I think Habibah is blushing?

Suddenly she joins the conversation.

Habibah: Waalaikumsalaam. No I'm not.

Yusuf: You are! Aww, look who's blushing!

Yaqub: Our sissy is blushing! This is like the Bella and Edward moment!

I laugh at Yaqub's text. What's it about Twilight?

Habibah: Bella and Edward don't have these moments. And I am not blushing, Yaqub, Yusuf!

Omar: I don't even know.. What's about Bella and Edward?

Yaqub: Habibah fangirls over Edward because he is a... VAMPIRE!

Omar: So I shall be a vampire too?

I immediately regret what I send when none of them reply my message. Am I wrong? I wait for another hour for their reply, but it doesn't come again. Well, uh okay.


The next morning, I receive a text from Yaqub, about last night's incident, which involves Habibah's illness.

"What happened exactly?"I gush him to tell me. I hear him sigh and mutter some words under his breath, before he finally opens up.

"Look, Habibah has some kind of ulcer problem. When she eats late, or when she forgets to eat, it comes suddenly. And yesterday, she forgot to eat her dinner, so it made her weak, and she passed out inside the toilet. That's why I'm telling you once again, She's very sensitive and can get sick easily. So do take care of her if you get married with her."My heart suddenly thumps hard. I hope she gets well soon.

"In sha Allah I will do. Hope she gets better soon. Convey my Salaam to your family. Is she at home?"

"No, she's in the hospital. The doctors are trying to figure out a way that they can prevent the disease from coming almost in a sudden. I have to go now. Assalamualaikum."I nod.

"Waalaykum-"The line goes dead even before I reply his Salaam. I hope she gets better, I pray silently. I run downstairs to meet my parents, Jassim and Amira.

"Mum dad! Have you heard about Habibah's illness?"My whole family turn to look at me. Amira's face suddenly become upset as she wrinkles her face. At least she cares about her as much as I do - but then again, looking at Jassim, he has a very sick expression on his face. It's as if he's about to cry. Is he exaggerating or what?

"No, we haven't. What happened though?"Mum asks, placing her mug on the table carefully. I sigh and sit beside Jassim.

"She passed out in the toilet, due to her disease ulcer. She forgot to eat her dinner, that's why."I explain briefly as they all mutter some Istighfar.

"I hope she gets well. Why don't we see her?"Jassim replies. I have a bad feeling about him towards Habibah, but then again, assumption leads to nowhere.

"Yeah...?"I say rather as a question.

"Ok. Now go get dress, we will visit her. I will ask Azizah for the details."I follow what my mum has instruct us, and walk down the stairs again after changing into my black thobe.

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