Chapter 11

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Habibah's POV

My arrival at University seems to be a glory from Allah. Everyone come to say 'Congratulations' and so. I don't understand how they know about it.

I walked down the halls, searching for Amira, but she's nowhere in school. I wonder where can she be.

"Amira went to the airport,"said a girl. "Her oldest brother is going back to America."

"You mean Jassim? Why?"I have thought that Jassim would stay here until my marriage. How disappointing.

"I don't know. She said that he was reasonless. He just wanted to go there. Maybe some work."I nod. Soon the girl herself walks away with a Salaam and I go back to my class with an agitating feeling inside. Does his departure has anything to do with why he was acting weird that night? I bet not.


Omar's POV

We're all heading to the airport. Questions fill our minds. Why does Jassim has to leave? I know that he said because he has to visit his fiancee but shouldn't he visit her with our parents? I begin to think that all of these are because of the proposal. I mean, Jassim and Habibah have been friends since forever. So who knows he actually has a feeling for her? Astaghfirullah, no prejudice, I remind myself constantly.

As soon as we arrive at the airport, he goes by himself to check-in and comes back for good-bye(s). Mum and dad are the first ones to hug and say to him good-bye. Amira comes after them, hugging Jassim so tightly and I think she's crying on his shoulders. Jassim holds her shoulder and kisses her on the forehead before coming up to me.

"Can we talk alone?"I nod, following him to the empty corner. "You love Habibah?"His question makes me tilt my head to the side, unable to answer him.

"Yes."I reply in a slow whisper.

"Hmm, okay. I just want you to know that Habibah does like you too. I can see it from the way she speaks about you. Therefore, please take care of her. Even though I might or might not come on your wedding day, just do know that my support is always by your side."He says with a straight face, some hidden feeling emanating from his face. I can really tell that it's hard for him to say so and to admit that Habibah and I are actually suitable together.

"Don't worry... Though I have a doubt, a question precisely."

"Go on."

"Do you like Habibah? Or liked Habibah?"He's stun. His eyes wide and he's looking on the floor.

"Isn't it a stupid question? C'mon Omar. Don't be paranoid okay..."

"I'm not though. Just admit. It won't really affect me."

"Look, here's a note for you and Habibah. You both have to read it tomorrow, when I'm gone."He shoves a note on my hand and says Salaam with a goodbye, before leaving to enter the plane.

"Waalaikumsalaam..."My reply immediately become a puff of air, wasteless. I know exactly what he feels, and I know the reason to his departure. His actual reason. I wish I can do something to make him happy, for once - yet in the other hand, it's not going to be good for myself to let him have a good ending with Habibah, and rather live my life with myself. Horrifying nightmare.

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