Chapter 36

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Habibah's POV

Omar is slowly healing, the bandages on his arm and head have been removed too. According to the doctor, by tomorrow, he'd already be permitted to check out of the hospital, however, some check ups will be held on every month.

Our relationship is also going well, Alhamdulillah. I've explained to him, and we've discussed our problems in a family way. I guess, we just couldn't communicate properly, due to our busy schedule. Hopefully, this is the start of something better.

Since today is Omar's parents' turn to wait for him, I decide to come back home to clean-up the mess that was made by Omar, as well as the other mess which was left. For this purpose, I ask Amira to help me clean-up, which she happily accepted.

"Habibah, I'm sorry for making you feel bad that night." I flash her a smile.

"That's fine. You were kind of right." I nod.

"Yeah, but I still had no-"

"Let's just forget and get over it, okay? Afterall, we're happy now, and there's nothing else that we should worry about." She smiles genuinely.

"Omar did a great job finding a perfect wife. For once, I'm proud of my brother!" We all burst into a fit of laughter.


Once we arrive at home, I place my hijab on the couch and roll up my sleeves until the elbows-and then, I collect all of the books which are lying on the floor and pile them up in the shelves. I grab all of the clothes and shove them in the washing machine, immediately turning it on.

Amira starts cleaning the kitchen while I move over to vacuum the living room and the bedroom. While vacuuming the rooms, I grab ahold of a feather duster to clean the dusts on the furniture every once and then.

Finally, after about an hour, we succeed to clean the house thoroughly. It definitely drains a lot of energy, but I'm thankful for Amira's presence which aids me a lot-I feel shame for ruining our bond because of that night's incident.

In return for the mess that I've made, I bake for her a marble cake-which is her favourite, and give her my-as well as her-favourite book, 'If I stay'.

"Seriously, I'm so sorry for everything that happened. I must've ruined your trust for keeping your brother happy." I frown, closing my eyes for a while in attempt to reduce the guilt that I still keep in my heart.

"It's fine. The thing about marriage, which I found after that incident, is that: There are times in marriage where you're happy and all lovely, but as authors say, love is unique. It gives grief, madness, sadness, anxiety, depression, tragedy, but also happiness, peace, serenity, and a sense of being comfortable, protected and belong. This is just a trial, and I'm glad you and Omar passed through it well. I'm glad to have you as a sister, you know..." My eyes flutter open after her 'speech'. It feels like my heart is taking a bath on a bathup with warm water after a long, rough day. I seriously can't help the grin that finds it way to appear on my lips. I feel loved...

"Thank you. That's all I can say-thank you, for everything." I smile. She nods, kissing my right cheek.

"I love you, sister!" I giggle. When was the last time the girl twins and I said I love you's? Uh-huh, I miss them...

"I love you, too." I reply her hug warmly. Perhaps I should have a girls' day with Amira and the twins-yes, it'd be so fun!

"I think it's already the time for us to get back to the hospital, huh?" Amira asks as she takes a glance on her watch. I nod.

"Let me change my clothes. This one smells." I laugh-and Amira joins too. I excuse myself to the bedroom to change into a denim long-sleeves button-up shirt and a black skirt, along with a black floral pattern hijab as the change. I head out of the room after getting dressed and finds Amira sitting on the couch with a journal book-which is Omar's. I immediately plop down beside her, taking a look at what's making her smile like an idiot.

"You see, my brother does this since he was a kid. This isn't a journal, it's a diary. He usually writes here everyday, but I guess he doesn't do it a lot now." I smile.

"Really? A diary? Like, writing all his emotions and conditions in the diary? I never thought a guy would do that-a man even." I laugh. I can't believe he does that. I, who's one thousand percent a girl from birth, doesn't even write a diary, nor own one!

"I know right! At first I was kind of weirded out, but when he told me that he does so because he doesn't want to pressure anyone by telling his problems, I began to realize that he was somehow right." I raise a brow and laugh. He seems like he has a trouble with telling his problems to people. Everyday I deal with patients who can't trust people with their problems, and have an issue of telling their problems to someone, yet here I'm going to deal with someone who has the same case-my own husband.

"Yeah... Hmm, should we go now?"


Amira has just left the room a while ago, leaving Omar and I alone. I really want to ask him about his 'diary', but I'm afraid if he would be mad about it.

"Omar uh-nevermind." I stare at my shoes nervously. I seriously can't make up the right words to ask him about it.

"Is there something wrong?" He pulls my chin up to make my gaze divert to him. I give him a closed-mouth smile, placing his hands away.


"You're lying. You give closed-mouth smiles when you lie, Habibah. Seriously, tell me."

"But don't get angry, okay?" He gives me a weird look, but nods anyway." Okay so, earlier today, when I was cleaning our house, I found Amira reading your journal. She told me about your issue of not being able to tell people your problems, and instead, you write them in the diary, huh?"

"If yes, why?" I sigh.

"You don't get it, Omar, do you? You have to tell your problems to someone, because writing them in a diary will not help you. Never think of pressuring people, because you are not. It will be for your mental health's good too if you let out your problems." I place his hands on top of mines'. "You don't have to worry, I'll always listen for you. I'm all ears. You can tell me everything, trust me. I'm always here for you and you'll never pressure me."

He stays silent for a while before replying me with a thank you and kisses my forehead. I'm always here... forever.


Assalamualaikum XD I'm really really sorry for the super duper late update. I was busy with preparation for school and now that school started, my updates might get less, plus the examination is coming, which is a REALLY important examination for my grade, so I truly apologize if the suspense is/will kill(ing) you XD

But I love you okay! Like omgggg!!! You guys made this book gain 2K+ within 6 months!! Holy Penguinsss >3< I love you guys a looooooot XD ♡♥♡♥♡

I hope you enjoy, and stay with me, PLEASE XD Please don't stop supporting because your support means a lot to me. It shows how capable am I to be able to be supported and loved by people :) Neoreul saranghae!! XD

Wassalamualaikum(papaayee chingus!)

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