Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Omar POV

By the time Saturday arrives, each and every thing in my mind is suddenly being push aside and only the nervousness for my fate remains in my head. I wonder if she actually accepts my proposal. Not that I'm too desperate to be with her, but who wouldn't want to be with her anyway?

Mum and dad have advised me about whatsoever the answer of the proposal. I'm positive that she'd accept, but definitely, I have this other part of me who likes to ruin my positive thought and turns my mood upside down.

"Trust me! She will be so happy to get married with you!"Amira yells, hugging me tightly. She has been saying so since the last two hours and hasn't stop until then. Maybe she should get married too so she can shut up.

"If I can, I'd make you marry my friend Hassan so you can actually shut up."I tease. I know that she has some feelings for Hassan, and I admit that he's actually good for her - besides the fact that they're the same age, which I don't know if it's a good thing or not.

"Omar! I don't like him!"I stifle a laugh. She always say that when I tease her about someone she actually likes.

"Oh come on! 'Love makes you a liar'."I reply with her favourite quote from The Mortal Instruments II book.

"Forget about that,"she smirks,"you don't see yourself as a liar, do you?"

I roll my eyes and nudge her arm playfully, trying to make the silent environment of the car into a playful ones.

When we arrive at her house, the thing that catch my eyes are the amount of people. I know that she has this huge family, but I don't expect her to invite all of them. The only people that come along with my family are my grandparents, four uncles and aunties from the both side of my family.

We entered the house, my dad by my side. Everyone's eyes are staring at me, whispers and gasps from the people. Habibah's dad stands up from his seat to greet us with Salaam, before he tells us to enjoy the food provided on the table, then we'll talk about the proposal.

As time passes by, the moment where uncle Abdul Rahman (Habibah's father) has to announce the answer finally comes. By that time, we are all in the living room. Since there are many people, we have to put away the couches and sit on the carpet instead, which is more better than on the couch. The women and girls are all on the kitchen, while some are upstairs, including Amira.

"Assalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakaatu."He pauses for a while, waiting for us to reply, "As we all know the purpose of this event, I now want to announce that my daughter, Habibah Salsabillah has made a satisfying and good answer for the proposal, from Omar Abdullah. I'm here to say that, her answer is a..."He stops and looks at me with a smile. "Yes."

I smile and can't stop saying Alhamdulillah under my breath. I can literally see why all this time Allah never give me any woman to be by my side. Because maybe this is the fate, that Allah has written in my book of fate. And I'm glad that this is what I'm destined to.

Habibah's POV

My bedroom is full of girls, squealing, teasing, playing, everything. Amira, my cousins, my friends and some other girls are all pilled up in my room. They're all planning about what my wedding should be like. Some suggested a Cinderella theme, some suggested Arabian, and other suggested random wedding theme.

"Guys stop okay. It's not sure yet when the wedding is."Amira looks at me.

"But Omar told me that he will ask for the marriage to be in the next month."

"Are you serious? I will be graduating from University after three months."She nods her head.

"I know. But he said that he can help you. He used to study psychology online."My mouth forms an O. After that, the conversation stops and they are all talking again about The Vampire Diaries.

"I know right! Damon died! It was crazy like he can't!"My oldest cousin Zakiya shouted. Everyone else agree and they start ranting to why Damon should come back.

"But I ship Stefan and Elena, no offence."A girl said, Mu'minah, before everyone start to tickle her to death. Poor girl, I think in my head. A knock comes on the door and my mum comes in, shouting at all the girls who are laughing really loud.

"You all are girls! Behave like girls not boys! Laugh only when you need to, and only grin! It's sunnah!"I silently chuckle at them all. They give me glares as if threatening, but I give them all a stick out tongue. "And you too Habibah! You are one of the oldest here, so remind them!"

"Okay..."I answer, sucking my breath.

"Now let's go for dinner."Everyone leave my room and so do I, closing the door behind. I walk down the stairs to meet Omar's mum as well as his aunties. They're all very polite and supportive, except the fact that they interrogate me like I'm a celebrity.

" accepted him,"says a voice from behind. I turn my body to look at the person. Jassim.

"You know right? So don't question me anymore, besides I know the best for my future."

"He surely is special to you, isn't he?"I can sense something behind his voice, but it's unreachable. I don't know, something like jealousy?

"Everyone is special to me."

"Bet so."He leaves without a single word. What is wrong with him?

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