Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Omar's POV

I stare as the girl that I once gave a ride comes into the room. Amira immediately stands up to greet her and they talk. So...her name is Habibah? I know she feels awkward since most of the people in the room are guys except the little girls who are only playing games.

I know I shouldn't do, but I continue to stare at her shamelessly, even though I can't see her face clearly, since her back is facing me and she tries to cover her face every now and then. It's the first time that I see a woman from our region who dresses up modestly. Women from our region (Southeast Asia) usually wear skinny jeans, and shirts that fall right on their uh - abdomen region. And their scarfs, they wear like those styles of veil where they have the camel's hump, which is clearly Haraam, as the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) warned, on a hadith, which was narrated by Abu Hurayrah;

"There are two classes of inhabitants of Hell that I have never seen before, that people who carry whips like the tails of cows that they use to flog men; women dressed ( yet ) naked, which when running they sway shakily - shake head against ungodly ( not obey ), head like a hump - hump camel snaking. They will not go to heaven and can not smell the fragrance." (Muslim / HR Ahmad )

- but she... She is different.

She wears the jilbab (dress) that falls below her ankle, with her hijab falling perfectly on her knees. It's not her face, it's not her appearance that attracts. But it's her manners, her modesty. The way she acts around her non-mahram. The way she lowers her gaze from the guys. It's something that attracts me. The way she acts childish in front of kids, pretending like she is their sister. It's about her personality, her attitude in front of people that attracts me towards her.

But then Jassim comes in, and I can't help but stare at their closeness. Why haven't I know her if she is Jassim's old friend? Soon enough, our parents come in the room to join us - or actually destroy us.

"By that, we decided... Maybe Habibah and Jassim should get married."The words strike me like a thunder. Married? Habibah and Jassim, my brother? Why him? My mouth opens to complain, but Habibah quickly speaks up defensively - and so does Jassim.

A part of me is happy that our parents won't make them get married, but another part of me doubts; Would she accept me if I propose to her?


Right after Habibah's family leave, I walk upstairs without uttering a single word to my family - but ofcourse Jassim notices my peculiar attitude.

"Are you jealous?"Since when have I not get jealous of him? Isn't it him, who always gets the attention? What's my fault though? What have I done, that my family seems to view me as a ghost?

"No,"is my answer - and I enter my room, slamming the door shut. The thought of someone proposing to Habibah as she accepts the proposal makes my body shudder in fear. Am I that imperfect? What makes people hate me? Does serving my Lord is a shameful act nowadays? Either way, I know that somehow a girl like Habibah knows best about marriage and the perfect future husband.

The next morning I wake up, I'm scared to death seeing Amira in front of me, sitting on the corner of my bed.

"What are you-"she cuts off the words that I'm about to say.

"Shh! Don't question. I'm here to help you,"she whispers, "I know you like Habibah and I know you want to marry -"

"Wait... What are you talking about?!"I sigh and pull back the duvet over my body - but of course she stops me from doing so.

"Listen! No time to complain, dude. Admit that you want to propose to her. So, today I will ask her if we can come to her house by Saturday..."she pauses, "which is in three days. And then, while I'm in Univ, you talk to the family and Jassim alone, properly. Because you know, I have a feeling that mum wants Jassim to be with her. But just yesterday, Habibah told that she doesn't like Jassim more than a brother."She exhales as she finishes her lecture.

"Okay..."I answer. She glares and throws my shoe to me - uh...

"Okay? What is OKAY?! I want you to be Habibah's husband, because she's so polite and good. And yes! She's so modest and pious, just marry her okay!"She practically holds my collar.

"Fine fine!"She smiles and hugs me. Is she sick?

"I love you so much Omar! Bye!"She leaves with a kiss on my cheek - and once she closes the door, I swipes my hand on the cheek that she just kissed. Gross!

After I've done my shower, I run downstairs to search for Jassim. Lucky enough, he is sitting on the sofa with his phone on his hands. I approach him and cough intentionally. His head tilts up to look at me with a weary look. Seems like he didn't sleep last night.

"I need to talk to you alone,"I whispers. His body stands up and instructs me to follow him to the backyard.

"Any problem, young man?"He crosses his arms. I notice his muscles becoming prominent as he tenses his arms, while literally comparing to mines. I sure don't have muscles nor abs like he does.

"Ehem. Well yeah, literally,"I pause, a long pause before I start to speak about the topic, "You said you have a fiancee and you don't want to marry Habibah? I know this is weird. But I want to ask for her hand's in marriage. In the sense of language, I want to propose to her. But there's a doubt. Will she accept me?"By this time, he has a look on his face which means as if he wants to help me or not.

"I will try and talk to mum and dad. But you shall explain too,"he pulls me in a hug. Seriously? We have been away from each other since he was a young teen, because he wanted a better education in America. Although I did finish my University and achieved the degree of Arabic language in an Islamic University in Madinah.

(No hates to the southeast asians. I'm from there too, and I'm not hating on it. I'm talking about facts. Yes, some of us may have wear modestly like Habibah but what about the rest? Everytime I come in an event full of the people from my region, people stare at me for wearing long dresses and no I don't feel shame. I actually pity the girls and women from there, because they say they're Muslims, but the way they dress up? The way they act? Does it reflects Islam? The Prophet PBUH said that women who have their scarfs like the hump of camels, will not be able to enter Jannah (Paradise), and they won't even be able to smell Jannah. Now my sisters, don't think that dressing up modestly will not make a guy like you. bleh, you know what? A right guy is for a right woman. Like lollipops. Guys will surely choose the tightly closed lollipops rather than the open ones, even though they haven't been touched or tasted. Yes the topic jumbles up, but the point is.. Think about our future. If we do not be a good Muslim, how can we get a good Muslim? I'm not hating on those who don't dress up properly, but I as a sister in Islam would only remind you about the things that we are doing wrong. Thank you, Salaam)

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