Chapter 27

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Habibah's POV

As soon as I spot the same girl from our wedding, I stop my tracks. My eyes scan the both of them, back and forth as I whisper, "Not again..."

And before I know it, my legs take over control of myself, driving me away from them. To be honest, I don't want to run like a coward. I want to be the best wife for Omar. I want to confront that girl Ra'eesa and have her explain everything along with Omar. But my heart says another thing. It demands me to let Omar know that he's wrong. But it wants me to let him know his mistake in a very cruel way.

I hear his footsteps running behind me, trying to catch up with me, but I don't care. Everything seems to be in vague. I stop in front of the female's bathroom, skipping to the last stall, closing the toilet bowl with its cover and sat on it, rubbing my face. Am I that stupid to follow my heart? Or have I had enough of these all?

My phone starts ringing, vibrating in my pocket. I hiss under my breath as I see his name on the screen. I press the button accept anyway.

"Assalamualaikum, Habibah! Please, please let me explain the truth. I swear in the name of Allah, there's nothing between Ra'eesa and I. She saw me and-"

"Stop! Just... Tell her that I want to meet her."I hear him sigh and shuffles, the voice changes into the sound of a female. She's with him? Great!

"Salaam Habibah. I accept your wish to meet and chat with me."I tell her to meet me back at the food court while I try my level best to not become so weak and delusional. But even so, I always have a peculiarity in my heart.

I breathe out, splattering my face with water and wipe it off with a tissue. I'm tired playing stupid and childish. I want to be a mature, understanding wife. If I have to finish the problem by confronting her, then why not? I always believe that Omar doesn't have any feeling with the girl, though at some points, I begin to doubt him.

I walk away to the food court, spotting them on the previous place. I pull out the chair, sitting on it and face the both of them. I open my mouth to speak, but she starts first, "I'm so sorry Habibah. I didn't mean to hurt you. We're just friends, you know that. We all know that I'm married and so does Omar. We can't have feelings for each other." I raise my brow.

"Okay..."I reply silently. I really don't know what to reply her. She looks innocent and seems like she's telling the truth, but deep down inside my heart, I still have that feeling. I exhale, trying to calm my heart. Trust her, trust him. Omar loves you, he does! My subcinscious reminds. I hate it how she's always late in reminding me.

"Ra'eesa, I'm sorry for the trouble, you can leave. I'll handle this myself. I'm sorry."Omar repeats. I glare at him. Why is he apologizing?

"We'll leave then."I decide. This confrontation turns out weirder than I thought. I sigh and stand up, mouthing Salaam to Ra'eesa before Omar and I leave to our car. We enter the car silently, and he drives away in silent too. Not even the radio is on. The thick, uncomfortable air is becoming irritating for me. I gasp, chugging down water.

"You shouldn't have done that. It's childish Habibah."I turn to him.

"What? Childish? You call me childish after I saw you with my teacher and still I forgave you. And now I saw you with your ex-"

"She's not my ex!"

"It's the same. The both of you had feelings for each other right? And people who have feelings for each other, moved on, yet they're still friends, clearly mean that they are still in love, Omar. I have the right to get angry after seeing my husband with a woman who's physically way better than me and acts even more feminine and gentle than I do. I mean, of course I'm angry and jealous, what do you think? Wouldn't you be angry too if you were in my position? What'd you do if I talk to someone who had a past with me?"He grips the steering wheel tighter, his knuckles turning white. "And now you're blaming me as if this is all my fault."

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