Chapter 46

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Habibah's POV

Last night, Omar and I planned to come to Ain's house after Dzuhr Salah together, but just an hour ago, Omar got called to attend a meeting with some of the High School representatives in this country. However, Omar told me that he'll come to Ain's house, but maybe he'll come late.

After praying Salat-ul-Dzuhr, I get ready for the gathering. I take out an Abaya that has a belt on the waist along with a white Hijab that has flower patterns printed on it. I put on Vaseline on my face and hands as my skin is dry due to the changing weather.

After I'm ready, I place my cellphone and wallet inside my bag and head downstairs to eat an pear as well as to have a glass of chocolate milk for my pregnancy-which Omar has prepared earlier this morning. As I said that I don't like white milk, Omar has picked out a pregnancy milk with the flavour of chocolate. I can't believe he bought and made them for me. I always think that pregnancy milk is unnecessary and as long as you have a healthy lifestyle, surely your baby will be healthy too-however, I have to drink the milk as Omar made it specially for me.

I walk out of the house and lock the door behind me, placing the keys under the carpet. I climbed in to the car and start the engine, pulling away from the parking lot after the AC's work properly. Summer's just at the corner so the temperature increases at least two degree celsius each day, which makes me feel suffocated at times when I have to go to work or out of the reach of AC. Especially with this growing belly everyday, it gets harder to walk and breathe, making me very careful about choosing the type of clothes.

Before going to Ain's house, I visit the Khala Bakery to buy an oreo cheesecake, which Ain and the others like. And by the time I arrive in front of Ain's house, it's already half past two, due to the traffic. That, and my slow driving speed because of my carefulness.

I get out of the car, lock it, and ring the doorbell. I'm pretty sure it's pretty much loud inside so might be no one heard the bell-however, the door opens wide after a few minutes since I rang the bell and a tall, slim-figured man with glasses stands in front of me.

"Assalamualaikum. How are you, Ali?" I beam at the sight of my old friend as well as a partner in research. He was a partner in Science research, Islamic studies related research and many more.

"Waalaikumsalaam. Do we know each other?" I exhale a long deep sigh.

"I'm Habibah," I say in a rather 'duh' tone.

He analyzes me from head to toe-which makes me uncomfortable-and begin to smile. "Ey! You changed! You're really thin and. . . You changed. Woah!" I eye him wiith a killing gaze. "Long time no meet. I'm sorry I couldn't attend your wedding. I was having some research with my friends in Jordan."

"That's fine! Now, can I come in?"

"Sure! They've been waiting for you," he steps aside and I enter the house with a Salaam. The living room is mostly filled with men or boys or little girls who stay still with their dads. The women are in the other side of the living room, while the moms are in the kitchen. I don't bother greeting my old guy friends who were a part of gang, instead I immediately head into the other room to meet Ain who sits in a circle with the other.

I greet them with, "Assalamualaikum." Ain, Tasy, and Amy and Nees come forward to me and immediately envelope me in a hug.

"We miss you! Where have you been?" Ain questions.

"Eh, I've been in my house, of course. I've been working. I'm sorry I didn't have time to pay a visit to any of you, there were some problems."

"It's okay! At least you're here now. Thank you for donating your time to attend this gathering," Ain hugs me again before we head to the kitchen to greet the moms. Shockingly, Ali's mom is here too.

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