Chapter 29

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Habibah's POV

Today, I suppose, is my first day working in the hospital. I still can't believe that I get to work here for a month, which will, again, determine my future as a psychologist in the hospital.

I sling back the bag around my shoulder and hug the lunch box to my chest as Omar makes a stop on the 'drive and drop' spot of the hospital.

"Make sure to call me when you're done," Omar reminds, looking at me worriedly.

"Of course. I'll be fine, bye! Wassalamualaikum!" I shut the door gently and wave at him enthustiastically, before he honks, signaling that he's leaving. Once the car is out of sight, I head inside the hospital with a smile playing on my face. Finally, I can enter the hospital as the status of a doctor, not a patient. How beautiful...

I stop at the receptionist, asking her to where should I go.

"May I see your application?" she questions which I reply with a nod.

"Here," I hand her the paper that I received from the department of education. She examines the paper for a while, before handing it back to me with a smile.

"Congratulations, this is where you should go," she hands me a piece of paper which has the name of the doctor, room number and floor number, written on it.

"Thank you," I smile and walk away to the lift. When the door of the lift opens, I immediately walk in and press the button two. As I look at the name of the doctor, a feeling of uneasiness falls upon me. Umar, Ph.D...Why does it sound familiar, a lot?

"Miss? It's your turn," a person disenchants me from my thoughts. I snap my head to see the door open. I mouth a thank you before leaving the elevator and begin to search for room number eleven. Nine...Ten...Twelve? Huh?

"Umm...Eleven! Hah!" a grin forms on my face. I knock on the door lightly, waiting for someone to open it. But no one does. I huff out a sigh. The waiting thing is devastating my good mood. Where is the doctor?

"Excuse me?" A voice booms from behind, causing me to turn around almost immediately. My eyes grow wide at the sight of the person. "Ahh the new doctor right?"

"U-Umar? Oh my god, Umar Abdulrahman?" I laugh nervously in shock.

"Erm, Habibah? Wow, I never thought I'd meet you here. So you're the one that they've been calling is the best student among the whole students of psychology for this year? You're amazing!"

"Ehh? Nah, you're exaggerating," I deny, even though my cheeks are probably turning into deep crimson pink. I look at my feet in embarrassment.

"Ah no no, that's what they're all saying you know. Anyway, let's get working," he opens the door. I hesitate to enter it. I know we have to be professional, but it still bothers me to be alone with him in the same room. "Come on?"

"Are we only... Uh together? No one else?" his mouth twitches into a smile, follows by a laugh.

"Oh that, yes apparently... But don't worry, I'll be doing my own job and you'll just understand what to do, for today. And tomorrow, you can exchange me, if you understand. Don't worry, I'll open the door so there won't be any misunderstanding," he nods as a promise. I nod my head, agreeing. It won't be a matter anyway, right?

I enter the room, hoping there'd be any posters about psychology that I can read, to lessen the awkwardness between us, but as a result, the room is completely white with only some furnitures.

"Please, take a seat," I nod my head, doing the exact thing as to what he says; sitting on one of the comfy couches. I look around the room. Pretty dull, huh? "And oh, for the answer, there really shouldn't be any posters here. It'll just distract them,"


"Yepp. So, tell me, how are you now? I think it's been years since our group met, right?" I fiddle with my fingers nervously, nodding.

"Alhamdulillah I'm fine. Yeah it's been a long time ago, since, you know... You and Jassim and Andine went to other countries for studies. I never knew you'd be working here. I thought, well, maybe, you'll be working in Canada as well,"

"Ah no. My parents... Parted and I have to take care of my mother as well as my younger brother, since my older brother has gone, just a month after our group went in their own ways... Moving on, so what's your status now?"

I smile, "I'm married. To Jassim's younger brother actually." He stares at me in shock(as if he isn't expecting me to be married with Jassim's brother), before nodding in understandment.

"Cool. So what's his name?"

"Omar Abdullah,"

"Ahh that guy. He also joined our group, before you came. After that, he stayed at Madinah with his dad for Islamic studies while Jassim and his mom stayed here. Basically, if you see the brothers, they're the total opposite of each other. Omar is a pious, selfless and religious guy while Jassim on the other hand, is a city guy who's modern and is more to the politics than religion, you can say,"

"Yeah I totally agree,"

"Yepp... Okay, so for today, you'll just be like an examiner, and tomorrow, you can handle some patients yourself. And as a tip, you should ask the patient first if he's an outgoing or not,"

"Oh, and why is that so?"

"Because, some people don't want their full secrets to be revealed, and those people aren't outgoing. To those types of people, you better have more patience and be careful when counseling them,"

"Ahh I see, okay," he nods. A knock on the door, thankfully, isn't interrupting our comversation.

"Doctor? You're kindly requested to meet a patient in one of the cells," a nurse announces. My eyes seem like bulging out of its sockets. Cell?

"Oh, alright, I'll be there," the nurse nods and leaves away. Umar stands up to take his coat and excuse himself. "These kind of matters usually involve a mentally damaged criminal. You'll understand."

I nod my head, "Oh okay."

(Uh oh, new character? Ehhh? XD~ Assalamualaikum! Soooo, yepp, this new character's name is Umar! Umar Omar :3 Does anyone smell trouble? No? Oh, sorry, it's just a feeling. Nevermind~ :P

Moving on XD I wanna share something... YOU KNOW WHAT I WENT TO A STRAWBERRY GARDEN AND I WAS SO HAPPY, just to find out that there's no strawberry because they just planted new ones :) *sarcastic innocent smile* But that's fine XD Because I get to see mountains, fish therapy, water boom, and even flowers >.< *photographer mode on XD That's really awesome yano yano yano!! If I can show you pictures, I'd, but wattpad can't share pictures -____- So yeah, just imagine it okey *smirk :D And I'm sorrehh for the filler chapters XD I'll make sure to make a tragedy chapter *everyone immediately throw tomatoes at me* wahhahaha!

Anyway~~ Thank you for being awesome and always being a good reader! Lahf you all so machhhh!! :*❤❤❤ Wassalamualaikum...)

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