Chapter 14

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Habibah's POV

You know the terrible feeling when your family decides to ruin your weekend plan? Exactly!

I was so thrilled to spend this weekend watching the episodes from Supernatural that I've missed, but unfortunately, I have to go with my family to Pizza Hut for dinner with the soon-to-be-groom's family. How wonderful! (Note the sarcasm)

As usual, I go on with my abaya. Well, what can I say? Abaya is so comfortable and modest. Besides, in here, abaya is like a really elegant fancy dress-and I'm so excited to wear the new abaya that I bought a week ago. It is like an A style dress that goes larger as it goes down to my feet. And a cute addition to it, the tailor, who is my mom's friend, made a pink belt that sticks on the waist with a little teddy head that looks extremely cute! I know I sound so immature, but I'm always thrilled for teddy bears and cute dresses.

After I'm done with the dress, I take out the black scarf with pink flower patterns. It's a gift from my teacher that I got when she came back after visiting her hometown, Malaysia, a few weeks ago. The brooch that I'm using is a butterfly of sparkly pink and purple colour. Oh and definitely, my glasses that I've recently got from the optics. Well, apparently, I've a really weak eyesight and I just decided to go to an optician two days ago. That explains why I always suffer from reading and seeing things far from me. Well...I still am not used to it. Especially with the fact that it causes headache sometimes.

When I'm done, I walk downstairs with my phone in my hand. I'm not really a phone freak, but when I'm going out, my phone avoids me from getting bored. Especially with the games and-oh! Subway Surfer! Okay, it's really weird that I'm still addicted to these five year old kid games, but who cares! Who can resist them anyway?

Mom and dad are already waiting in the living room. So are Yusuf and Yaqub. But definitely, those twin girls are still in their room. They literally take two hours just for dressing up. I don't get why most of the girls take a lot of time to dress up. Alhamdulillah I'm not one of them!

"Habibah. Call the twins. Those makeup eaters are taking time!"Yusuf shouts. Well, it's true though. Hanaya and Hanifah use a lot of make up supplies for only one month. Three lipsticks, five foundations, three eye-liner, five mascara, three boxes of fifty colours of eye-shadow, only for the both of them.

I knock on their room's door carefully. I swear I hear shouts and screams. Uh, these girls are always fighting for small things, seriously. I end up barging in to their room without anymore knocks and gape as I see clothes lying on their beds and scarves on the floor.

"What in the world!"I yell at them. By then, they stop their activities and turn to look at me.

"Blame Hanaya! She keeps on taking my clothes out!"

"No! You took my scarves first and then throw them away!"

"Shush! Be quiet! Clean up the room now and get ready without any makeup and colourful dress! Take your abayas and wear them! With a scarf, of course."They begin to whine like small kids.

"How am I suppose to go out without makeup?!"Hanifah complains. I shrugged my shoulders.

"That's a punishment."

"But you have no rights!"I turn to look at Hanaya with shock eyes.

"Excuse me!"I emphasize the words in a dramatic tone. "I'm your elder sister and of course I can punish you to teach you a lesson, makeup eaters!"

"We are not!"They yell in unison as I open the door and walk out of their room, rolling my eyes.

"Where are they?"Mom asks.

"They're getting ready."

"Since an hour ago..."Yaqub continues. I ignore him and sit on the sofa to wait for them. Minutes later, the twins come out with super simple abaya and a white simple scarf. Both their faces are frowning, like wrinkled clothes, as if they haven't been ironed since ages. Yaqub and Yusuf stifle a laugh, silently high-fiving each other.

"Oh... What got into you?"Yaqub smirks triumphantly.

"Yaqub!"There they go...! The three start catching each other. I'm like stuck in an asylum.


We finally arrive in Pizza Hut, a bit out of the city. Well, it's not that far, really. Qatar is a small country, so the distance between a city to another city is not that far. His family is already here, and in fact, they've ordered for the dinner as well. I doubt that we are early.

"Assalamualaikum!"Amirah and the twins start hugging each other, literally screaming after discussing about TVD's Damon. Ugh! After we all say Salaam to each other, I sit beside mum and aunty Marwa. Omar sits beside his dad in the corner, two seats from my right, in front of me.

"So! Why don't we start our meal first then we may discuss at the end."Everyone agree, yelling "yes!", except Omar and I. We remain silent the whole time. Even when we're eating, there isn't a single sound of the fork or anything. I suddenly groan when I see the pizza. It's a slice and it's the extra huge size! I really can't bear eating in public. I end up giving the slice of pizza to Yaqub and exchange for slices of garlic bread.

Right after we end our dinner and pray Isha' prayer, mum and aunty Marwa begin to discuss about my marriage. That doesn't sound good though. They want the marriage to be in my birthday, which is in two weeks.

"What do you say Habibah?"I don't know what to answer. It's just crazy!

"It's his choice."I whisper the word his. Amirah starts giggling and says, "aww Damon and Elena!"I don't think we'll ever be Damon and Elena.

"Shush! So... Omar, since Habibah gives the choice to you, what do you think, dear?"Aunty Marwa asks politely. Everyone's literally staring at him as my heart feels heavy. I shouldn't have given the choice to him. I shouldn't.


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