Chapter 21

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Habibah's POV

I pull the hijab over my head and tightens it with pins, before I grab my bag and walk downstairs where Omar is waiting.

"Just wait..."I tell him and walk over to the kitchen, examining. After that, I write a list of some things to be bought and walk back to living room. As usual, I keep the key under the mat and crawl in to the car, not forgetting to buckle up my seat belt.

I keep on looking at the list again again, thinking that maybe I should just cut some of them from the list, in case it'd troublesome Omar and I.

"Don't worry. As long as it's for eating, I don't count it."He sounds so much like my father that it makes me miss him and his advices. He has always taught me that when it comes to food, to fulfill the stomach, do not hesitate on buying them. But he always hates it when it comes to furnitures and clothings, because he said that you can live without them, but without food, it can cause you death.


"Yeah, why not? It's fine. Keep them all in the list."I smile, thinking how lucky I am to be able to get to know him and even be his wife.

When we arrive at the place, it's actually my favourite place. It's a sport club, but there's a restaurant in it too. They have bakery, juice stall and of course a restaurant that serves the best foods ever. I smile as I thought back of the memories. When I used to learn swimming here, when I was a kid. And how I'd always eat after swimming, which later I'd get a lecture from my dad... Some old memories never leave the mind...

"Let's go."He entwines our hand and let go of me as he has to register his name. Then we walk to the elevator and he presses number two. I've only went once to the second floor: to buy a smoothie.

As the elevator stops, I walk out of it only to realize that the second floor is deserted and there are only two waiters who seems to be smiling at us.

"Welcome..."They smile at us and Omar returns the same, before he pulls me to the balcony. The balcony is wide and it's usually reserved for dates and dinners. I admit that he's really an unreadable guy. Who knows behind that beard and pious look, lies the most cheesiest guy ever.

True to his words, the balcony is filled with candles. The heart shaped candles formed an aisle and it ends by making a huge circle with the table and chairs in the circle. All of them are lined up very proper. I feel like giving a pat to the one who set this up.

"Do you like it?"He asks as he pulls out a chair for me. I smile up at him.

"Do I seem to not enjoy it? Of course, I love it."He chortles, taking a seat im front of me. I smile at him.

"What would you like to order?"I glance over the menu book and reminds myself to choose the cheap one. "Don't worry. I told you, please don't be worried. It's all fine."

"Okay... I'll just choose chicken soup."He shakes his head and calls for the waiter.

"Two chicken soup, two barbeque shrimp, and one banana split please."I stare at him with wide eyes.


"And for the drink, one chocolate milk shake and a mineral water."The waiter repeats the order and walks away. I stare at Omar.

"You gotta be kidding me."

"I told you so."He shrugs.

"But this must cost a great colossal."

"You seem to forget or not know about the fact yet eh?"


"My dad's the president of this company."I stare at him in shock. President?

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