Chapter 24

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Habibah's POV

As Omar promised, he drives me to Noor Ain's house and makes me promise to him to call him when I'm done. He said he doesn't want me bothering people, or using taxi. I only grin at his sudden protectiveness.

Noor Ain's house is thankfully still the same, so I don't have a problem searching for it. She lives in Ain-Khalid, a huge, luxurious compound. The compound is really awesome. They have sports club, play ground and even markets.

I knock on the door twice, before I hear some shuffles from inside the house and the four of my friends come out.

"Habibah!"They immediately envelop me in a huge group hug. I miss these moments.

"Ahh you guys! How are you?"

"We're fine. Come on! Let's come in Hab!"Tasya replies, slinging her arm around my shoulder as we walk inside. To my surprise, the house is deserted. I thought there'd be their parents as well.

"Our parents went to a restaurant. So now it's teens time!"I laugh at Amyrah. Always the same character.

"We're not teens anymore, Myrah!"Noor Ain reminds her and we all chuckle at the both of them. This was how our group formed. With all the laughs we had together, we became close friends. We're like veins. Near, compact and unseparable!

"Yeah aigoo. The same. Let's watch movie! Oh and I brought chips too, so... party time!"I can't help the huge smile forming on my lips. We've been far from each other since we graduated. Some took engineering, some took pediatric, gestation and even in the field of planes. But even though we're far, when we have time to meet, we always meet each other, which keeps our friendship strong.

Amyrah and Natasya have come back from the kitchen with chips and juices on their hands. Rin (Noor Ain's nickname), on the other hand is inserting the CD on the DVD player, while Anees and I gather the pillows on the floor. We plan on watching Insidious chapter two.

We all curl up together, pillows in our hands as our eyes are glued on the TV's screen. The movie starts with a horrifying sound. I hate the movie's sound effects.

Halfway through the movie, my phone vibrates with a whistle ringtone. Knowing well who's set with the ringtone, I hastily take out my phone from my bag and smile goofily as I read the message from Omar.

From: Hubby❤

I'm at the market to buy some stuffs. Do you need anything?

"Hmm, lemme guess. Your hubby eh? Ehem ehem."Noor Ain teases, nudging my arm while winking. I chortle.

"Yeah..."She immediately pauses the movie while they all turn to look at me.

"Omo! What did he say? Oh my gosh! You're in love! Look there's a goofy smile!"Amyrah screams, poking my cheeks which causes me to laugh and blush.

"Anieyo. He just asked if I want anything because he's in the market right now."I answer, fiddling with my phone. They all laugh causing me to stare at them in confusion.

"I've never seen you this nervous and happy while in love. You've always like fictional characters. I should probably prostrate to Allah, now that you finally like a real human."Rin jokes, laughing loudly after she finishes. "Okay okay, anyway, how's married life? We're all not married you know. So we want to know."

"Its's good."I answer simply, not knowing what to reply.

"Good? Good? What good? We want details, Habibah."I smile sadly.

"It's fine. I ran up to him today, in the staff room. I found my english teacher, Ms. Reese, leaning on his shoulder."I shut my eyes, waiting for their gasps. But I don't hear any gasps or sighs. Instead, they all pull me in a hug, caressing my shoulder. "Thanks guys."

"Aww, it's okay Habibah! I'm sure it was all a mistake. Maybe he was going to push her you know."

"Yeah, that's what he told too. He was about to push her, but I already barged in."They nod their head understandingly. "But a part of me doesn't believe him."

"You have to believe him. Maybe that's the truth. I'm sure he won't do that. When I saw him at your wedding day, I can tell that he really loves you..."I smile, knowing well that what Natasya says is right.

"But you know, Mrs. Reese is a divorced woman, and she's still young and beautiful too."I sigh, burying my face in my hands.

"Don't worry. It'll be fine. But you have to be persistent too! Tell him when you don't like something what he's doing. If you don't like him communicating with Mrs. Reese, then tell him so."Anees encourages, pumping her fist in the air as if gesturing me to be strong. I hug her, mouthing thank you. Even though Anees was always the quiet one, with less advices, I can safely say that now she's a mature woman, more mature than most of us.

"I'll try. Thanks again for the advice! I don't know how to thank you guys for everything you've given me."I suddenly get teary and emotional. Remembering all the things that happened between our friendship in the past, I can tell that this friendship will be the only strong friendship in my life. I can tell that this friendship is the only friendship that will still be strong until our old ages.

"Aww! Habibah you're still the same! Always with the cheesy words!"Noor Ain replies, making us all laugh. "Group hug!"She yells and we all join in the hug. Some things never change...


Omar and I arrive at home after Isha'. While he walk straight to the bathroom, I on the other hand, immediately plop on the bed, lying flatly on it.

Without realizing it, I fall asleep on the bed while thinking about what will happen to me when I grow old. Even though I can't picture it yet, I have a firm belief, that I'll spend it with him, while we take care of our children.

I suddenly feel my shoes being taken off by someone, well Omar. I flutter my eyes open.

"Huh?"I groan, already too sleepy to sit up. He carries me to the right side of the bed and I immediately hug the pillow.

"Good night."He wishes. And with that, I drift back to sleep, with a smile on my lips.

(Assalamualaikum :) Okay, so since some of you might not understand Korean :3 I'll translate it for you.

Aigoo - It depends on the context, it may be Oh my gosh or a sigh. But the one that I wrote up there^, it means a sigh :D

Omo - Wow, Oh my gosh.

Anieyo - no. This is the formal version. Informal is Ani, Aniya, Aniyo.

So! That's all for now :) Bubye~)

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