Chapter 25

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Habibah's POV

A year has passed since our marriage. Much to disappointment, this month is the month that I'm dreading of. The final semester's examination will be held in a week. Yet I haven't revise anything, merely because: 1. I'm too lazy to see the hectic book of psychology, 2. I'm waiting for a chocolate fountain as a gift for my twenty fourth birthday, which will never happen.

After I comb my hair, I hold the calendar, circling the today's date. It's my birthday! I wonder if anyone remember or...

"Ah, the water is too cold,"Omar remarks, drying his hair with the towel. Yepp, no one remembers.

"Oh sorry,"I smile weakly and skip downstairs to the kitchen. Well then, let's celebrate this all by myself! I think with a deep sense of sarcasm.

I grab the ingredients and start making brownies by myself. For me, brownies is like a signature of celebration. Any kind of celebration, brownies is the answer!

Just as I mix the ingredients together, I hear Omar's footsteps on the stairs, and just as I expect, he appears on the kitchen.

"What are you doing?"He questions, confused. I simply shrug. He approaches me and helps me pour the batter into the pan. After I place the pan inside the oven and set the time to thirty minutes, I clean the kitchen and join Omar on the sofa, lying my head on his lap.

"Omar...?"He looks down at me, questioning.


"Don't you know what day it is?"He scratches the back of his neck. I'm sure he doesn't know about it.

"Um, Friday?"I sigh and sit up properly.

"There's something special today."

"Oh?"I hit his arm in annoyance. "Ow what was that for?"

"For not remembering my special day! It's supposed to be special because I'm finally living my life with someone I love-"

"Wait what? Can you repeat it?"

"Ahh! Omar!"I continuously beat his arm. He smiles at my action, before embracing me in his hug.

"I was joking. Of course I remember your birthday! Happy birthday princess!"He gifts me with a kiss on top of my head. It makes me smile from ear to ear. "I hope after this, you will stop pulling my beard in revenge."

"I can't promise that!"I laugh. He pinch my cheeks.

"Naughty girl!"I stick my tongue out in reply, winking at the end. He stares at me deeply, giving me a look that seems like...Gatsby's loving look. I've always been dreaming to have someone who'd look at me that way. And I smile when I realize that I get that someone. But even though I love being looked like that, I can't hold the awkwardness any longer, so I jump back from his grip in attempt to avoid his stare but instead I hit my back with the table.

"Ow ow ow!"I scream. Omar chuckles. "It's all your fault!"I blame.

"Eh? Me? How?"He questions in confusion.

"You were looking at me in that way! And it's getting awkward with that look."He still doesn't get it.

"What look?"

"That look! The... Do you know Gatsby? Yeah, well that look! The way he looks at Daisy. The way Andrew Garfield looks at Emma Stone."

"Wait... Who is Andrew and Emma?"I palm my face. Seriously?

"They're actor and actress, Omar. They dated since the Amazing Spiderman, I guess?"He laughs.

"I never thought you know a lot about the entertainment."

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