Chapter 34

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(GUYS~ Thanks for the ridiculous, entertaining, funny comments XD It was fun to see you guys shocked, thinking that I ended the story XD :3 I love you guysss<3)

Habibah's POV

I arrive at the hospital along with Yusuf. Tears are already streaming down my face since Amira told me the things that I never want to hear.

As I pass through people in the hospital, everyone smile at me, because they recognize me, since I work here. I only flash them a weak smile, even though sobs are escaping my lips.

"Miss Salsa?" The receptionist asks in confusion. She knows that it's weird for me to weep because I always smile to everyone, every time I see them--but this time is an exceptional.

"Yes. Can you tell me where is Omar Abdullah?" She nods and begins to search for his data in the computer.

"Omar Abdullah, the patient who got in a car crash--?"

"Car crash?" She nods slowly, hesitantly.

"Yes, there's only one patient with the name Omar Abdullah, and he got in a car crash. He's in the ICU room number five. Just go straight--"

"Thank you!" I cut her off before she can continue and run immediately, towards the room number five of ICU.

I stop as soon as I see the whole family of Omar, literally occupying the whole space for the waiting area. His aunties and uncles are also here. What exactly happened?

"Amira!" I yell as I spot her in the corner, still sobbing. She turns her face to look at me and immediately run to me, attacking me with a hug. "Shhh..."

"Habibah... O-Omar, he-he's not waking up..." She sobs, hugging me tighter. Mom Marwa stands up from her seat and approaches me, placing a hand on Amira's shoulder to stop her from sobbing.

"Habibah, may I talk to you inside? Privately." I nod my head, telling Yusuf to sit down as I enter the room. I gasp.

I know Omar got in a car crash, but I never thought that it's really this bad. He is lying on the bed aimlessly, his face is pale. His skin seems dry, pale and cold like he's been in a cryogenic state. I approach him, running my hand through his soft hair--which is now rough and messy. I shake my head, trying to convince myself that this is not a dream.

"He's been like this since-since days ago."

"When did this happen, mom?" She sighs.

"Two days after you left him. He was on his way to fetch you. After you left him, he always spent the night at our house and got back home at morning. The night before he got in the accident, he told us that he'll fetch you and apologize to your family for the disappointment and pain that he had caused. But only Allah knows that this will happen..." Her voice cracks at the end. "He loves you so much. That's why he couldn't bear the pictures. Even though it was just a friendly lunch. Imagine if you were on his position, Habibah. What would you do if he was the one who had lunch with Ra'eesa?"

"I-I'm sorry, mom. I'm truly sorry."

"I don't need your apologize. No one does. What's done has been done. I just hope when he wakes up--I mean, I hope if he wakes up, this kind of thing won't happen again. You're both grown up. You're not a girl and a boy anymore, you're a grown up man and woman now. If it's not the both of you that have to be mature to understand each other, then who will?" She kisses her son's forehead. "Think about it. He's not in a severe coma, so In sha Allah he will wake up. May Allah keep the both of you in his shelter forever In sha Allah."

"Aamiin. Jazakallah mom. I'm sorry I've disappointed you, as a daughter-in-law." I smile at her weakly.

"That's one of the human's characteristics. To disappoint and to be disappointed. That's fine, we all have times like this in life. I'll leave now." I nod my head. She walks out of the room, shutting the door beside her.

I stare at the figure lying on the bed. I bring the chair near to his bed and take a seat on it, bringing his hand close to my cheek.

"Assalamualaikum. How are you?" I sniff. "It's been like... Forever since we last talked and meet. I miss you so much, Omar. Don't you miss me too? Then wake up, please, if you miss me too-"

"-I heard that you wanted to fetch me so we can be together again--and now I'm here and you don't need to fetch me anymore, because I'm here... So wake up, please? Even though I know that you're disappointed in me, a lot, but I promise to you, I'll leave my job if that's what I should do. I promise, Omar... I promise..." I choke, breathless.

I stay there until about midnight, slowly drifting into a comfortable sleep with his hand in my hands.


I feel a single tap on my shoulder, slightly shaking me too, to wake me up.

"Hmm?" I moan sleepily.

"Habibah, I'm leaving okay? Along with the rest of Omar's family. Amira will stay here though." I give Yusuf a slight nod in reply. He pats my shoulder and walks away to open the door to leave the room, Amira opening the door again, shortly after he left.

"Habibah..." She grabs ahold of the both of my hands which are still wrapping around Omar's hand. "Let him rest. You can sleep on the couch."

"I'm fine Amira. You can take the couch, I can stay here."

"If that's what you want, okay then--uh, I just want to ask you a question though, if it's alright?"

"Go on." I agree.

"W-What was o-on your mind when you accepted that lunch? Di-Didn't you think about it?" My head snaps up to see her face.

I inhale, "Amira, I-I'm sorry, okay? I truly am. I just don't know... What was going on in my mind. I'm sorry..."

"You and I know that we don't need your sorry, Habibah."

"I know... I know this is all my fault. But what should I do now?" I bite my lower lip, tears streaming down my face, once again.

"I-I w-want you, t-to leave... Your presence here just brings pain to me."


Assalamualaikum! XD WAHH! I'M SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE WOOP WOOP XD There's just a week left for me to stay in my country, so I really want to enjoy the remaining times without any weight in the shoulders :) I hope you understand ^^

P.S for the sake of you guys, I'll end this story with a happy ending :)

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