Joining a Team!?

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~(Y/n)'s p.o.v ~

"Don't come near me damnit!" I shouted as I kicked the nurse away from me. As she hit the wall, she dropped the needle in her hand and it shattered on the floor. "I don't want your fucking medicine. I heal on my own." I told her for the hundredth time. Asshole just tried to give me drugs while I was asleep as if I wouldn't sense her presence. I'm sore, not stupid.

"But, Lady Hokage specifically told us to give this to you," the nurse tried to reason with me. "She can fuck off as well. Now give me the release forms and leave me alone," I told her. The only reason I was still even here was because Tsunade threatened to hunt me down herself if I did. "That's impossible. You're still hurt, and you won't get better unless we give you your medications," she tried to reason.

I glared at her, "how many of your coworkers have I put in the hospital recently? Come near me again, asleep or not with anything other than release papers, and I'll make sure you're lying in a bed near them," I threatened her. With that, she left my room and I was left alone. I huffed and pulled my knees up to my chest while looking out the window. The sun was just now coming up so the sky was a pretty orange.

In truth, if she had actually tried to give me the medicine while I was asleep, she might have succeeded, but I haven't slept well ever since losing Sasuke. I get maybe an hour or two in before nightmares wake me up. Maybe that's why I'd been in such a foul mood. Other than that first night, I hadn't escaped from the hospital, and I usually pretended to sleep anytime someone that wasn't a nurse entered my room. Naruto has visited a couple of times now, but I still haven't gone to see him. I'm not much interested in seeing anyone at this point.

"Isn't it a bit early for you to be threatening people?" Kakashi's voice spoke up. He was the only one who could sneak up on me, and was one of the few visitors I had that managed to catch me 'awake'. "Fuck off," I mumbled tiredly. That landed a book to my head, but I barely flinched. "You know they're only trying to help you right?" he asked.

He continued when I didn't respond. "(Y/n), is this really about your fear of hospitals?" he asked. I growled and grabbed the basket of fruit on my bedside table and tossed it at him while standing up in the bed, "no it is not! I am not afraid of hospitals! I just don't like them! I don't like how they make me feel and I don't like being told to stay put!" I shouted at him. The fruit had gone everywhere, and Kakashi dodged the basket effortlessly while catching an apple in his hand.

"You shouldn't waste food like that," he mumbled as he sat down at the end of my bed. I groaned and sat down again with my legs crossed. I guess I moved wrong though, because I felt a sudden sharp pain in my side. I hissed in pain and placed my hand there as if holding the pain would make it stop somehow. Kakashi side eyed me and I sighed as I looked back outside. "I just want to go home. That would be better than being in here," I explained.

"Because then no one would come into your room with a needle while you sleep," he pointed out. "Sure, that's why," I mumbled. In reality it was because I could finally lock my door and keep people away from me. I heard footsteps coming down the hallway and I whipped my head around to glare at the door. I only relaxed when the footsteps walked past my door and Kakashi chuckled.

I sighed and hung my head down in defeat and annoyance, "Why are you really here Kakashi?" I asked. He didn't say anything and instead just looked at the apple as if it was this crazy new thing he'd never seen before. "I get it, you're doing what everyone does. Tire out the wild fox by making it run around in circles and you'll tame it right?" I asked.

"That's not funny (Y/n)," he spoke as he shot me such an icy glare I felt frozen in place. Damn I really pushed a button that time. "Why do you do that to yourself? Call yourself things that aren't true? Shikamaru told me about the monster comment, you know" he started and I felt my head sink lower and lower. "You'd have never said those things in front of the Thi-," "HE'S NOT HERE ANYMORE DAMNIT!" I screamed.

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