Hokage's pupil!?

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~(Y/n)'s p.o.v.~

"Okay class settle down," said Iruka Sensei, who was now covered in bandages due to yesterday's events. He only began to continue talking once the entire class was quiet. Thankfully that didn't take as long as it sometimes did, although seeing Iruka get all hot and bothered over irritating students was fun to watch at times. "First of all, I want to tell all of you congratulations on becoming Genin. Now I'm going to tell you about your groups. Each group will have three Genin and a Jonin Sensei. Now, once I say your name please go to your group, and head to the designated area to meet your group leader," Iruka stated. 

"Hold on he just said three to a team, but.... the amount of us doesn't match a number divisible by three.. Is there going to be a group of four? Would that really make a difference in a team, or is there a specific reason the number is three?" I pondered to myself while Iruka spoke. "Group 7 is Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno," 

 "poor Sasuke," I thought.

"and Naruto Uzumaki, go to the second training area. "Oh man.. I feel bad for their Sensei. That definitely is going to be one handful of a team...... Wait! Awe man am I really not in a team with my brother or best friend!? Damn it,"  I thought to myself.

As Iruka Sensei continued to name off the rest of the groups, I slowly became the only Genin left in the room. "What are they going to do now?" I asked myself, as I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. "Well, that just leaves you now doesn't it (Y/n)? The Hokage wants you to go up to his office okay?" Iruka Sensei said as he looked up from his clipboard, and smiled.

"Uh, okay?" I said still confused as to what the Hokage needed from me. I made my way over to the Hokage's office still wondering about his reasoning. Maybe I was being blamed for one of Naruto's pranks again? I had no idea. Once I got to the office, I knocked on the door only entering once I had gotten the permission to, "you called sir?" I asked. "Yes, have a seat please (Y/n)," he said while putting a picture frame down. Probably looking at a picture of his family, or something. 

"Ssoo, why am I here?" I asked sitting in one of the chairs that laid at the front of the Hokage's desk. "You might not remember your father (Y/n), but when he was alive he and I made a promise to each other when you were born. Do you know what that promise was?" He asked me a smile forming on his face... Not gonna lie it sort of freaked me out. "No," I said straightening up in my chair at the news of my father. He kept his smile on as he stood up from his chair, and looked out his window, " well over a few drinks we laughed at the idea of me being the one to train you. At first, I thought that it was simply the trifle talks of a drunken man, but then on a more sober night, he made me promise. I promised that if anything where to happen to him that I'd train you in particular to be a great kunoichi, and today, if you'll allow me to that is. I'd be honored to be your Sensei," he explained.

Time stood still...," What..... What did he just say!? The Hokage wants me to be his pupil!?" I screamed internally as a wide smile formed on my face. In an instant, I rose from my chair, and bowed, "it would be an honor to be taught by you Hokage," I agreed. He laughed, and then I felt him pat my head, "every day you remind me more and more of your parents, but I'll never understand your ability to act like your mother one second, and then your father the next. You're a perfect mixture of both,". I lifted my posture, and looked up at him, "so when do we get started?" I asked.

He laughed at my enthusiasm, "tomorrow first thing in the morning meet me at the first training ring. You're dismissed for now". "Yes sir!" I said giving him a salute as I ran out the door trying to find Sasuke ~or Naruto~ to tell my great news.

Luckily, Sasuke was at our usual meet place just sitting there at the edge of the dock. I was so happy with the current events that had just taken place, that I decided to be a little mischievous. I snuck up on him, and just before I was a few feet away, I booked it towards him running into him at full speed. Since he had no idea I was there until it was too late, I had no problem pushing him into the water falling in with him while laughing.

We both swam up to the surface to breath, and I was still grinning from ear to ear. "(Y/n)!? What did you do that for?" he asked me before he dunked me back under the water. After I resurfaced and could breathe again, I told him the great news while we climbed the dock to get out of the water. "well congratulations (Y/n). Sorry, I don't have a fire show for you as you did for me," he said as he used his fire jutsu to help us dry off faster. I chuckled, "if you ask me this is fine enough. So how's your team? Did ya kill anyone today? Is my brother still able to walk? I asked sarcasm laced in my voice. 

"I don't think you can find a more annoying team in the entire world," he complained. I laughed at his comment, and then told him I needed to go find Naruto before it got too dark, still needing to punish him for breaking curfew yesterday and all.....

~Sasuke's p.o.v.~

(Y/n) said her goodbyes, and then she was off. I kept her in my sight as she ran off to go find Naruto. Her most unique, and unusual attribute was flowing in the wind as she did so. Her hair was bright red and stopped in the middle of her back. Although unique in color, it was still very pretty. Especially the way it seemed to have a mind of its own, always getting in her face, or raising when she was angry, or when it flowed through the wind when she ran just like right now.

No one knows this, but I've had a  crush on (Y/n) for a while now, but these feelings I have for her can never be known. That's because Itachi is still out there, and when I am finally strong enough to kill him he might use (Y/n) against me. So for now, I can only be friends with her, and even that is a risk all on its own.

At first, I did try to scare her away by fighting her, but she wouldn't stop and somehow we ended up being close friends. I hide it under my arm warmers [A/N: you know those white things around Sasuke's wrist (in the picture) yeah I don't know what you call them, so I'm calling them arm warmers] ,but I still have the bracelet (Y/n) gave me. I need to get stronger fast so that I can beat Itachi soon because I don't think I can bottle these feelings that I have for her up for much longer.

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