Final Exam/Enter Shukaku

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[A/n: Okay before people kill me, I know Dosu gets killed by Gaara before the final exam, but if that happened Shikamaru or Temari would have had to fight you, and it didn't feel the same without that fight, so I had to let Dosu live.]

~Your p.o.v.~

The alarm clock went off, and I quickly silenced it before setting it to Naruto's time three hours from now. He tossed in his sleep clearly awake now, but trying to just as quickly fall back into the sweet dream world once again. I smiled and ran my hand through his hair, "good luck today Naruto. I know you'll do great," I told him. I got a tired 'you to sis' from him before I started to hear soft snores.

I got out of bed and took a good second to stretch out all my limbs, enjoying feeling as the blood rushed to my head and the shivering sensation my nerves caused from being woken up after a nice rest. Then I took a shower, and got ready for the day, taking a bit of a moment to reread for the thousandth time the small message left on my headband by my parents. They may be gone, but I still knew that they were my biggest fans. After tightening my headband onto my forehead, and double checking that it was properly centered, I took my sword in his sheath and strapped it to my back.

I got a flash of memories with Hayate as I placed the sword on my back, but blinked back the tears and smiled at my reflection. Today was not going to be a sad day! Today was a good day. Today I made everyone proud! After confirming how I looked, I prepared my breakfast as quietly as possible. Then it was time to do my normal lap around the village.

I had barely broken a sweat as I finished up the 15th and final mile. I had watched as the sun finally showed up, and people began to seemingly rise from the dead all preparing to watch the final rounds of the chunin exams. I think it was as I was walking towards the arena that it actually hit me. At the beginning of all this, I thought I was going to die. I seriously doubted that I wasn't strong enough for the exams, but look at me now! Here I am on my way to the finals. The finals that I am a part of!

That definitely added a spring to my step for sure! I was the first to arrive at the arena, but it didn't take long for all the others to show up. My fellow competitors stood with me in the middle of the arena, and we all watched as the stands began to fill with all kinds of people. From ninja from other villages, to simple villagers from around here. It seemed like everyone was here! Everyone except Naruto and Sasuke. I hadn't seen Sasuke this entire month, but I was told he was with Kakashi.

The later he was to show up, the more I started to think of the worst possible outcome. Could the same person that had killed Hayate Sensei have killed Sasuke as well!? "Would you calm down already? I know you have ADHD, but this is ridiculous. You're fidgeting is irritating me" Shikamaru mumbled next to me. I looked over at him confused and then realized I had been twirling a strand of my hair with my finger and kicking at the dirt. "Sorry about that- hey wait since when have I ever had ADHD? That's a rude assumption Shikamaru," I whispered back to him.

Before he could comment, we heard someone screaming, and sliding into the arena was Naruto. "Late as usual I see. Jeez you're the total opposite of me at times you know that?" I teased him as Shikamaru and I helped him stand up. Naruto looked around for a moment and then looked at me, "I don't get it. Where's Sasuke?" he asked. "I don't know. He's a no show so far," Shikamaru stated. Just then the replacement proctor spoke up stopping our conversation, "hey knock it off. Quit your fidgeting you three. Stand up straight and present yourself proudly to the spectators," he told us.

We all looked around and I suddenly felt shy being watched by so many people. I didn't care what they thought of me really, but it still felt unnerving to have that many people looking at you. Nevertheless, I straightened my pose, brushed back some strands of my hair behind my shoulders, and looked up at the crowd like I expected this day to happen. How many of them knew about my solo participation? Would that even matter now? Neji, Dosu, Shino, and Shikamaru are the only other competitors today who didn't move up with any of their other teammates. Does that mean they carried their team for as long as they could?

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