Big Girl Mission

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~(Y/n)'s p.o.v.~

I crouched down and stretched my legs as I looked into my empty fridge and began making a mental grocery list while also cursing myself out for not having literally anything to eat in my house!

When we dropped Kakashi off at the hospital, Tsunade almost immediately dismissed us, and I was the first to leave the group without a second thought to go to my nice quiet home and take a long and very much needed shower. Not to mention fighting in the sand really did a number on all my gear. I swear my backpack made new crevices just for the sand to get stuck in. I couldn't wait to get it all cleaned up! But after my shower came food. Cleaning could wait until later.

"I should probably pick up more kunai while I'm out," I thought to myself as I finished my mental grocery list and stood up to go change and get ready to head out again. I wanted to just throw on my casual fit, but I was so tired from the mission and from feeling clean once again, that I knew if I did, I would want to just go to sleep, so instead I found a nice clean set of my usual outfit that hadn't made its way through the sand of Sunagakure, thank you past (Y/n) for doing laundry before heading out! I still left my extra arm and leg weights on my desk however. It wouldn't kill me to give myself a break and keep them off for now.... at least until it got closer to my time for a nightly run.

Once my swords were strapped over my shoulder and hip, I headed out towards the market. I was planning to restock my fridge with the essentials; lunch meat, juice, milk and eggs mostly, but I also was planning to cook Naruto and myself a well deserved dinner. We hadn't really gotten to talk much since we've been back, and it was about time that changed. And clearly we needed to discuss this new issue with Kurama.

It didn't take me long to get what I needed, only a few people stopped me to chat about this or that, and then I headed towards the weapon's shop where I ran right into Kurenai. "I thought that was you. How'd your mission go? You were gone a bit longer than usual," she claimed. I smiled at her nervously, "yeah well, there was an emergency at the village so I stayed to help. I'm sorry, I'd tell you more, but I'm not sure how much I'm allowed to say," I admitted. She gave me a long look as she clearly tried to figure out what I was hiding but then looked away, giving up her mental investigation on me.

"I've been there before. I'm just glad you seem to be doing well. Ah, I'm about to head out on a mission with my team, but it shouldn't take us too long, and then we can continue your training, sound good?" she asked as we walked together. I was following her at this point passing my required shop along the way. This was another new characteristic of mine I had noticed. Usually when people call out to me in public, we have a short conversation and then I leave, but now that all depends on who calls out to me. If I'm not careful, I find myself in situations like this now where I completely go off task just to continue the conversation I'm having with that person. Which definitely wasn't something I used to do. I guess spending two years on an island really made me desire social interactions more.... At least with some people.

I smiled at her, "yeah, I can't wait to start," I admitted. As we walked, and chatted about this and that, I heard a dog bark and knew we were close to Team Kurenai's meet up spot for their mission.

"Okay! Forget it. Forget it! Some friends you are," Naruto's voice rang clear as we turned the corner. I groaned, "I have a feeling your team is being harassed," I warned Kurenai. She chuckled, "yes, it would appear so, but I wonder what's got Naruto so interested in them this time," she asked. I shrugged my shoulders, "beats me. We literally just got back from a mission, so I have no idea how he's already causing trouble," I explained, my right eye twitching in irritation. Her team was in sight now, and I saw Shino, Kiba, and Akamaru standing around a tree while Hinata was sitting down propped up against the tree, her face bright red as Naruto crouched down and got in her face.

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