To Be Strong

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~(Y/n)'s p.o.v.~

"(Y/n)! Do you still have some chakra left?" Anko called over to me. I was bent over myself breathing in painful quick short breaths, but I still managed to give her a thumbs up. "Yeah.... What... do you.... Need?" I asked her. We had officially kicked all the asses of the enemy ninja plus a huge ass snake for good measure! And I was definitely feeling the extent of my wounds. Kurama chakra or not, there was only so much the fox could do with me still in control, and I didn't think going into a blind rage in the middle of the village was a smart idea.

"Can you use that jutsu of yours to help the medical ninja transport the injured to the hospital? You should really get looked at yourself though," she advised. I slowly stood up, and wondered if there wasn't an injury I hadn't just provoked with this simple movement. "No.... No problem," I assured her before I lightly tossed my final special kunai at her. "Give that to a medical ninja or go to the hospital with it. The rest of my kunai are scattered around the village, so I'm going to start with those areas, but that kunai that you have will be the one I use to transport the others to the hospital so make sure it gets there. And make sure the hospital is ready," I told Anko as she caught the kunai and looked at it curiously.

I barely gave her time to respond before I transported to the closest kunai near me. There were a bunch of dead enemy ninja, but I did spot one friendly ninja who had caught the bitter end of a couple of ninja stars with his back. "Are you hurt anywhere else?" I asked as I managed to sit him up. We both grunted in pain due to our injuries during the process. "I think I should be asking you the same thing kid," he commented as he struggled to look at me.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm fine. Let's keep those in your back for now until someone is around to properly stop the bleeding okay? Is anyone else around here that you know of?" I asked as I pocketed my kunai, and hooked the guy's arms around my shoulder as he told me that he was the only one he had seen at least. I transported to the next nearby kunai, and just about threw up from the pain it caused. "Come on (Y/n).... Power through. It's just another training session." I encouraged myself. I picked up that kunai as well and found two other ninja both with varying injuries.

Three people was more than enough for this first trip. I made the other two ninja hold onto my arm and then transported us to the hospital..... Where I lost my balance due to the light headedness and awkward weight exchange from the three ninja and ended up face planting the floor. "Son of a bitch," I hissed as I pulled myself up, and apologized to the three ninja.

Some medical ninja grabbed them and took them away leaving me to have to fight off a few on my own before I was able to get them off me so that I could go get more of the injured. Seeing the injuries some of these guys got during the battle made my own wounds not hurt as much somehow, I guess a kunai lodged through a nose with the tip of the blade pushing the left eye out of its socket will do that to a person, and I was able to push through the pain and rescue all the ninja I could find.

Now even the practically unscratched ninja were trying to help the medical ninja 'capture' me, but I easily found an escape route. After all there was one kunai I still had yet to retrieve. I transported to Sasuke's kunai, and damn I forgot how far out they were! To explain the amount of chakra I used without being prepared for it, I'd compare it to being out of breath and then coughing. My burning feeling you get in your lungs is how it felt at the core of my being. I tripped over my feet and was fully prepared to make nice with the ground. Only someone caught me.

"I thought Naruto looked bad," Sasuke commented. I looked down at Naruto who was definitely beaten up and passed out but very much alive before I gave Sasuke a tired smile, "just woke up from a nap what's his excuse," I teased as I allowed Sasuke to help me sit down next to Naruto. I looked around and now noticed we were on the forest floor nowhere near where I had left them. "Where's Sakura?" I asked. "I left her with the dog. Naruto got her out of Gaara's jutsu, but she's still knocked out," Sasuke explained. "So that's four people and a dog..... Okay I can do it. Could you bring them here, and then I can get us all to the hospital," I explained.

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