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~Tenten's p.o.v.~

"Poor (Y/n), she looks absolutely exhausted," I complained as I looked to my side where Lee was carrying an unconscious (Y/n) on his back. "That's what this type of training will do to you. Especially at the rate she is going. It's so impressive to see just exactly how fast she can learn new techniques now with that strategy of hers. Less than a week and she's already close to my level if not at it," Lee praised her. "Yes, but that doesn't make the drawbacks any less severe," Neji argued. It was something that he had been pointing out ever since Guy Sensei told us about (Y/n)'s training. We all had our reservations on the matter because we didn't want to see another friend of our end up how Lee almost did, but we all came to terms to it eventually, still Neji kept on playing the devil's advocate on the matter.  

I smiled and picked up my pace to walk beside him, "you seem awfully worried for her Neji," I called him out. He raised an eyebrow at me, "of course I worry about her. She's our teammate, and a comrade, Tenten. I like watching her go far beyond her goals and dreams, but I don't like why she has to do it." he admitted. I blinked surprised okay that wasn't where I had planned to take this conversation.... "It's the Akatsuki. They keep taking everything away from her and Naruto, and no one has been able to do anything about it except them. I hate that it feels like they're all alone in this battle," he explained.

That really dampened the mood, "yeah, I get what you mean. I wish we could do more for her," I admitted as I looked down at the ground feeling a little defeated. Even Guy Sensei grunted in agreement, but he didn't say anything else. We walked in silence listening to (Y/n)'s quiet breathing before Yamato spoke up, "If I may, I haven't known her or her brother for long, but just being around them, I know that while they may be used to only relying on each other, their true strength comes from the support their friends give them. I've seen them both train now, and nothing has inspired them to go as far as they have more than the love they share for their friends and the village. Sure it looks like they're becoming strong because of Sasuke and the Akatsuki, but in the end, they'd never get as far as they have without the strength of their friends. You all should be proud to be where you are, especially with (Y/n). It's clear she doesn't warm up to strangers easily, and yet she's shown even me that you are all close to her heart." he claimed.

That got a grin on all of our faces, and then I saw a small tea shop. "Oh, guys let's stop for lunch and rest for a bit," I suggested. "What? But we're so close to being home," Lee complained. I was about to argue with him and throw in the 'it might help (Y/n) heal better if she were to be able to stay still for moment' card at him, but Guy Sensei's voice caught my attention before I could do so. "You've noticed it too huh, Neji?" he asked. I looked over at the two of them and saw that they were both staring up at the sky. "Yes, the birds," Neji started. "Hmm?" I asked as I looked up and saw what he was pointing out. There was an unusual amount of birds flying in the sky. "They're all flying from the direction of the Leaf," Neji pointed out.

"Hmm, come on we better keep moving," Guy Sensei suggested and all the boys agreed. "Aw come on," I whined as I followed along. I didn't like the strange omen either, but we could have at least gotten a snack before heading out right? The others started to pick up their pace as we walked, and that's when their anxious auras finally caught with me and I started to get worried too. Why were their so many birds flying away from the village in the first place? This whole thing was starting to feel really strange, but what confirmed it was when (Y/n)'s shot straight up with no warning almost causing Lee to fall backwards. "Oh, (Y/n), you're awake," Lee cheered, but just as he was about to let go of her legs so she go get down, she disappeared.

"Now that can't be a good sign," Neji pointed out. And after that we began to run back to the Leaf at full speed. This time I had no arguments to offer.

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