'Fighting' Orochimaru!

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~Your p.o.v.~

"O-ow," I groaned as I crouched down in front of a shattered tree and looked down at my shaking hand. Naruto was the only one who made that stupid deal with Tsunade, but I sort of hated the idea of Naruto beating me in learning a jutsu, so I was taking this bet just as seriously. Call it sibling rivalry I guess. It was the night before Naruto's week was up, but I still didn't have a perfect rasengan yet. I hated only having an incomplete jutsu. It was why I was so hyper fixated on my kenjutsu. Because I hadn't mastered it, yet here I was onto the next jutsu. Ugh it was so frustrating to leave something half baked!

With that in mind, I took up my sword and trained my left hand. My right hand was literally burnt from chakra over use, but I knew it would be healed mostly by the morning because the same thing happened the night I had let loose at the leaf. Hopefully I didn't cause anyone to panic the next morning. I mean, it's not like I'm the first ninja to go all out on those poor trees, so I doubt it'll cause a scene.

The moon was getting low when I finally stopped training and pulled out my sleeping bag. I knew we had a hotel room and that I had a bed I could sleep in, but Jiraiya snores like a bear, and has reeked of alcohol ever since we found Tsunade. Besides, I wasn't quite sure I was going to be able to sleep under the stars like this for much longer. How serious was the Akatsuki on finding my brother and I?

I slept for a couple hours before the early rays of sunlight woke me up. My body wanted me to sleep longer, but it was getting harder and harder for me to sleep peacefully knowing that with each day Sasuke and Kakashi could be getting worse, and here I was playing betting games with the one person who could heal them. This was the day of the bet, one week ago, so I decided to go find Naruto. He had wandered away from me during the first day of training saying 'I was a distraction' which was funny because that's my line, so I had to use my kunai to find him.

Curiously enough I ended up in a hotel room that wasn't ours. Naruto was resting in a bed with bandages wrapped around his hand. I looked around the rest of the room, and quickly found a passed out Shizune on the floor. "What the hell?" I asked out loud as I went over to her to check her vitals. I heard movement behind me, and glanced to see that Naruto was waking up. As he sat up, I began to gently shake Shizune awake. I was getting a bad feeling about all of this.

She began to wake up a little before suddenly sitting up, barely missing hitting me in the face with her head, and began to interrogate us. "(Y/n)! What time is it? What day is it today? What day? What time" she asked. "It's Monday morning. What the hell's gotten into you lady?" I asked her. "What's going on? Where am I?" Naruto asked as he got out of the bed. Shizune blinked and looked at him curiously. "What is it?" I asked her.

"It's amazing. Naruto, are you sure you're feeling all right? You were supposed to be out of it for two full days at least" she told him. I turned to face him. He seemed to be alright. What was she going on about? Naruto chuckled as he walked over to us and unwrapped his hand. "Not a chance. No matter how beat up I get, just give me a good night's sleep, and I'm right back at the top of my game." he bragged. "Yeah I wonder why," I sarcastically asked him in my head while giving him a smirk.

"Besides, I've got a date to keep with that rotten old witch Tsunade! Today's the day I wipe that smirk off her face!" Naruto claimed. "No way, did you actually master the jutsu?" I asked him. The second he looked away from me, I knew his answer, "uh, no not completely. But close enough! So I'll just wing it, I'll be fine." he replied. Shizune and I chuckled at him, but then Shizune flinched and grabbed at her side. "What the hell happened to you?" I asked her. Ignoring my question, she leapt up and began to run towards the windows. "Stay here, you two," she ordered us as she started to climb out the window. "Hey where-," was all Naruto and I could get out before we watched a kunai barely miss hitting Shizune in the face.

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