Understanding the Nightmare

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~(Y/n)'s p.o.v~

As usual, I was first at the rendezvous spot early the next morning. I didn't want to go on this mission, but I hated the fact that Tsunade was right about me even more. Last night's fight with Naruto could have told anyone that hadn't even known me before that I had developed an attitude problem. I figured what's the worst this mission could do to me, and decided that I'd at least attempt to pretend I was okay. Besides these three weren't exactly people who were on my shit list, so maybe I could have fun?

I sat up on the top of the gate enjoying the early morning sun for a while before Gaara, Temari, Kankuro, and Shikamaru? Showed up. "Hey you ready to g-," was all I got out before I stopped myself. Curiously enough, from how high up I was, I was able to see all of Konohamaru's class running over to us as fast as they could. I jumped down next to Shikamaru who had also noticed the sudden crowd of children coming at us, "looks like we have company," I claimed as they finally appeared.

They all took a moment to catch their breath before speaking up in unison. "Thank you very much and see you again soon," they said. As they spoke I quickly side stepped so that I wasn't in the way of the sand ninja from getting their thanks. Temari chuckled, "alright kids, keep training," she spoke. "I'm gonna learn the shuriken jutsu by the time you come back! Ha!" Konohamaru claimed. "Ye-yeah I uh I will too," Udon said. "Oh Temari, someday I'm gonna be a strong kunoichi just like you," Moegi claimed.

"I'm very honored to hear that dear," Temari replied to her. I smiled, they really were star struck by the sand ninja. "Thanks again. I had to ask you guys to teach at the Academy because we're a bit short-staffed at the moment. I'm sure you would have rather gone sight seeing or," Shikamaru trailed on before Temari stopped him. "No problem. I helped out because I enjoy it." she claimed. "Same here. Besides these kids are the future of the Leaf's military power. This was a good opportunity for us to evaluate them," Kankuro explained.

"Yeah, well careful getting home, and don't let (Y/n) drive you too crazy," Shikamaru claimed. "Yeah yeah, keep talking like that and I won't play as your wingman anymore," I warned him. Shikamaru tilted his head to the side, "my what now?" he asked. I rolled my eyes, "oh please, you could have asked anyone to help with teaching the children, but who did you pick in the end? Hmm? The team that just so happened to have Temari on it is pretty suspicious, lover boy," I teased him.

"What are you talking about?" Shikamaru asked tiredly. I giggled before jumping up in front of the Sand ninja, "nothing nothing. Later Shikamaru," I called as I waved goodbye and began to walk away. Honestly I was just trying to tease him a bit to get back at him for the comment, but Temari sort of sealed the deal with her next comment. "I'll see you next time you need to be rescued. Just let me know, and I'll come. You big cry baby," she teased.

I stopped and turned to look at them curiously. I wasn't one who gushed over other people's relationships, but even I couldn't deny they'd be pretty cute together, "you girls are all alike. You had to get the last word in huh?" Shikamaru asked with a smug little smile on his face. I've never seen him use that smile before. Temari chuckled and we were back on the road.

Everyone stayed quiet till we stopped to rest at a tea shop. I was taking a bite out of the dango I had gotten when my eyes wandered over to Kankuro's face, "hey," I started before I quickly finished my bite. I wasn't a lady or anything but I still had manners! Well.... Some. Once I finished my bite I spoke up again, "sorry I just noticed but you changed your makeup again. It's different from before," I pointed out.

Temari chuckled while Kankuro's face tensed, "it.. It's not makeup (Y/n)," he complained. "Hmm? It's face paint you use to decorate your face. Tell me how that isn't make-up," I asked. "It... it just is humpf," he huffed at me as he looked away. Some of his makeup must have washed off because he looked a little redder than usual. Temari chuckled, "and here you are teasing Shikamaru you hypocrite," she responded before taking a drink from her cup.

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