An Irrational Promise Made From The Heart

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~(Y/n)'s p.o.v.~

"Aha! Finally," I cried out as I took my arm out of the sling and moved it around. "That's great (Y/n)! You're getting better each day." Naruto cheered as he smiled at me. I smiled back and slowly did some stretches. "Yeah it took my shoulder a little longer than usual, but other than some major soreness I feel great," I cheered. I walked over to grab my ninja outfit when Naruto raised an eyebrow at me.

"What?" I asked him. "You're thinking about training today aren't you," he asked. "Yeah what about it?" I shot at him. "(Y/n) you're still recovering though" he argued. I narrowed my eyes at him and placed a hand on my hip as I tilted my head back in a threatening manner, "you trying to stop me?" I asked him.

His face turned white and he took a big step away from me, "nope! N-not at all. Just be careful alight? U-Uhm I-I'm going to go train as well! Bye sis!" he shouted before booking it out the door. I relaxed my stance and chuckled. "Still got that scary atmosphere," I praised myself before I walked into the bathroom and changed out of my pajamas into my ninja gear.

Being one arm down for two days meant I hadn't been able to patch up my jacket, so that was left out of the usual outfit. I grew a little before the final chunin exam, so I had to change my outfit so that everything fit better. Now I ditched the fishnet tank top for a black v-neck long sleeve t-shirt that stopped right on my hips exposing my stomach when I raised my arms, while the sleeves stopped just below my elbows. It was form-fitting, but also loose for comfort. I hate! Skintight clothing! The black pants changed into a black pair of shorts that had a small orange stripe design on the sides of them, and instead of the fishnet legging, I wore long grey socks that stopped at the middle of my thigh leaving enough of a gap from my socks to my shorts for my hand to fit. My black sandals were a bigger size, but more or less the same still.

Once I tied my headband onto my forehead, it was time to attach the rest of my 'accessories'. First I tied my kunai holder to my upper thigh and my weapons pouch to my waist. Then I placed the sheath to my sword on my back and tied it in front of my chest. Finally, I placed my weighted arm gear on. They looked like black fingerless gloves with sleeves on them, but they were so much more. Yes, they were fingerless gloves, but the sleeves actually had weights in them that allowed me to strengthen my arms while doing normal activities. The sleeves ended just above my elbows and hid well under the sleeves of my shirt. With that, and some final stretching I was ready to hit the streets!

My first task was to run my normal 15 miles to wake up my legs, and damn! You know how it hurts to breathe after doing too many sit-ups? Well, imagine that pain plus the normal lack of breathing that comes from running for a distance. I guess I was still pretty banged up. I finished the lap around the village and was mentally beating myself up for being so exhausted when someone's voice broke me away from my self lecture, " I see someone is pushing herself too far too soon," Kakashi spoke up as he walked over to me.

I groaned and started stretching, "it was just a little jog," I explained. Kakashi raised his eyebrow at me, "a jog is when you run a mile or two. If I'm to assume that you were doing your usual run, then no (Y/n) that was not just a little jog. How are you feeling anyway?" he asked. "Well I woke up this morning and found my arm was better, so I stopped using the sling. I feel like lead, but other than that I'm fine. And you're starting to sound like Naruto," I stated.

Kakashi laughed, "I see so Naruto has become the rational sibling now." I shot him an evil glare and went into my fighting stance. "You take that back right n-oowww!," I cried as I relaxed my stance and clutched the side of my chest. My bruised lung was healed, but all the muscles in that general area were extremely sore from when some of my ribs had broken and were just moving around in all the areas it wasn't supposed to be in. All this new movement from the run added to quickly moving into a stance while raising my voice wasn't exactly helping me either.

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