The Chunin Exams part 1

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~I yawned while I unlocked the apartment door, "Naruto I'm home," I said tiredly. My body quickly stiffened when Naruto didn't respond. Actually, the room was unnaturally quiet. "Naruto where ar- NARUTO!?!?!?,"~

~(Y/n)'s p.o.v.~

I had stepped into our apartment a little more, and found a strange man wearing a mask that covered half of his face strangling my brother. Someone was finding a unique way to commit suicide tonight! I screamed Naruto's name, and tossed ninja stars at the man's hands. He shouted out in pain when they made contact, and released his hold on Naruto who dropped down to the ground like he was nothing more than a sack of potatoes.

I threw my special kunai towards me, and transported to it the moment it was closest to the intruder. The kunai was still in the air when I moved to it causing me to be in the same situation. I twisted my body around, and kicked the intruder straight in the face kicking him out of our window. Which was closed, and now very much shattered.

The intruder fell three stories down, and I was quick to run after him again throwing my kunai at him. He barely landed on the ground before I met him with the same transporting technique, and kicked him in the head sending him backwards into the ground creating a decent sized crater in the ground. "Messing with my brother was the biggest mistake you could have ever made!!," I roared as I looked down at him with my sword placed firmly against his neck, and my hair rising like tails.

Truthfully though, I wasn't even sure if the man was still awake now. I was trying to figure out if I should kill him, and ask questions later, or take him into custody for interrogations when something in the distance caught my attention.

I heard Naruto running at full speed this way talking about how I was going to kill him for being late, and that just confused me even more. I started to piece a few things together, and then made some hand signs for releasing a Genjutsu. The intruder vanished, and in his place was a wounded/ surprised Iruka Sensei. "What... Iruka Sensei what the hell is all of this," I growled at him as I put away my sword, and pulled him up by the collar of his vest.

He laughed at me nervously, and then disappeared into a cloud of smoke just before I could ask him any more questions. "Oh oh nonono Iruka Sensei shadow clone or not your ass is mine!!!," I shouted inside my head. This was NOT a funny prank. NOT AT ALL!! "Hey what's going on out here," a random boy with very dirty blonde hair asked as he ran out of our apartment building.

I tightened my stance, and raised an eyebrow at him wondering who the hell he was. I knew everyone who lived in that building, and I had never seen this one before. Was I going to have to deal with two intruders tonight!? "Oh hey now you can relax, it's just me Kankuro from before remember," he asked with a nervous smile. I looked a little closer, and realized that he did look like Kankuro. Man I knew the dude wore a lot of make-up, but that was crazy!

"Oh my bad. You look completely different without your make-up. Sorry if I woke you, an old Sensei of mine was pranking me or something, and it was not met with open arms. I'm actually about to go find him, and give him a piece of my mind," I said with a small hint of malice in my voice. I seriously was extremely pissed right now.

Naruto finally caught up, and he was not too happy to see me here, "(Y/n) I'm so sorry I'm late, but-," was all I allowed him to say. I was so not in the mood, and my hair raising once again, was proof enough for anyone to see, "NARUTO YOU BROKE CURFEW AGAIN," I yelled at him as I changed towards him to punch him right in the face sending him flying into a nearby telephone pole.

"Dammit Naruto what the hell is it going to take to make you finally understand!? Just get inside the apartment now before I kick your ass even more! I have something to do, and I swear if I don't find you when I get back home tonight, then you better hope I don't find you at all," I growled at him before I ran off.

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