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[A/N: WARNING!! There is foul language throughout the whole story. If that isn't your bowl of ramen then this fan-fiction is not for you. You have been warned!!]

Name~(Y/n) Uzumaki
Age~ A year older than Naruto (So 13 at the beginning)
Hair color~Red
Eye color~ Blue like Naruto's
Height~ 4'9" ft (146.3 cm)

Other~ You are unaware that you have a third of the nine-tails in you, or that Naruto has another third. You also don't know your parent's identity since they died when you were one year old.

~(Y/n)'s p.o.v.~

" (Y/n) Uzumaki It's your turn" stated an Anbu as he read my name from the clipboard in his hand. Today was a very exciting day for all of us ninja to be. Today was the day of the genin exams! If we could pass the test, then we would become genin, and would start our journey as a real shinobi of Konoha! Who wouldn't be excited about that? Of course, right now my stomach was filled with butterflies, but not for me. No, this test was a breeze for me personally, but to my brother, it was a different story, he can't seem to pass it, and this was his third time. 

Naruto and I are only 10 months apart in age, so we started school at the same time, me being one of the oldest and him the youngest. We don't have parents, and everyone has always looked down on us for some reason, so really we're all that each other has. I would do anything for my little brother, and that includes not leaving him behind! This is why I too have purposefully failed the genin exams. I refuse to move on without my brother. 

We both trained very hard this year, however, and I really thought he had a chance to pass. That is... until Iruka Sensei told us what the final test would be over. Clones... Naruto's worst jutsu. Either way, I kept my faith in him, and when he walked out of the testing room I gave him a big smile. Unfortunately, he returned it with a sad look on his face, and no headband in hand, "he failed.. again," I thought to myself more saddened than irritated.

I watched his back as he left the hallway, the butterflies no longer alive in my stomach. Just sadness. I stared down the door handle for a moment before deciding to finally open it and meet my fate. As I entered the room, I was greeted by Iruka Sensei, Mizuki Sensei, and the Third Hokage all sitting at a table. "(Y/n) please make a clone," Iruka said excitement laced throughout his voice. I knew how to make clones shoot I could make tons of them no problem. He knew this too, but.... I wasn't going to leave my brother like that! I couldn't. I wasn't going to leave him to be picked on by the village while I was out for days on missions. I couldn't and wouldn't do that! I made eye contact with Iruka Sensei for a second engaging in a mental conversation before I looked away and purposefully messed up the jutsu creating a marshmallow version of myself.

Despite doing it for my brother with no regrets for it, it was still embarrassing to perform like that in front of them. I kept my head down and shoved my hands into my pockets before I left the room saying nothing as I did. After leaving the room, I quickly went to go find Naruto. He was of course outside sitting in the swing, and as I went outside to meet up with him, I saw children laughing with their parents. They were saying how they were happy they passed, and how proud they were that their child was a full-fledged ninja now. 

What a crowd to walk through ya know? As I passed them, I kept my head down allowing my bangs to fall in front of my eyes. The closer I got to people, the quieter they became, and they would immediately move out of my way. Not like I would have run into them in the first place, but they couldn't risk touching a  monster right? Everyone in the village had always been afraid of my brother and me. It wasn't something new to us, but we never understood why. 

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