Break Time is Over

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~(Y/n)'s p.o.v.~

I pushed a huge piece of rubble out of the way, and found a crushed shelf under it. Most of the papers had been scattered about, but there were several scrolls still bunched up together. I looked around making sure no one saw me before I crouched down and started to peak inside the scrolls. It was a long shot, but I needed to at least try before someone found this as an excuse to get rid of the files altogether.

I groaned when the scrolls turned out to be nothing but finance logs for the village, "come on it's gotta be around here somewhere," I muttered under my breath. "Hey (Y/n), did you find anything?" an Anbu member called out to me. "Ah, yeah, I found more finance logs. They look like they're from the beginning of Hiruzen Sensei's era," I replied. I started to gather up all the scrolls to bring back with me, when one fell out of my arms and started to roll away, "ah what the hell come back here," I ordered the scroll as I awkwardly moved around to grab it.

It rolled a good distance away before it finally was stopped by a slab of broken wood sticking up from the ground. Probably came from a door or something. I went down to grab it, but something caught my eye. Another scroll that was wedged between a piece of concrete and a sharp plate of metal. The metal was slowly digging into the scroll, nearly tearing it in half, but I managed to safely recover it. It had the Hokage's seal on it, so I knew it was another scroll I needed, but what was in it?

I opened to look, and my eyes widened, "finally some good luck!" I mentally cheered as I shoved the scroll into my weapons pouch. "Hey (Y/n), you need a hand gathering those scrolls?" the Anbu member spoke as they appeared above me. "Ah, no sorry. This one got away from me. I'm coming," I assured him while also picking up the scroll that I had originally been chasing down. I hopped out of the small hole I had found myself in and shook my head to allow some of the dust to escape my hair.

"You said they're finance right? From the Third Hokage's era?" The Anbu that was put in charge of coordinating the return on all village files confirmed with me. I nodded my head, "yeah, they go over here right?" I asked. "Yeah. Hey you! Are the holes in that mask of yours not big enough or something!? Those scrolls clearly have a green seal meaning they go in this pile not that one!" the Anbu Member proceeded to yell at another one. "Funny I'm the one risking my neck by crawling into the small debris caves that could collapse without warning all to gather materials, but it looks like you were actually given the more stressful part of the job," I joked trying to lighten the mood.

The leader groaned and leaned forward tiredly, "you have no idea. I'm so thankful you were able to help out with this (Y/n). Aside from you, Shizune is the only other ninja here that has helped the Hokage process files and knows how they work, but she's stuck by Tsunade's bed side," they complained. I smiled at them, "don't worry about it. I'm glad to help," I assured them. Yeah, I was glad to help because now I had at least some of the information I needed to get to the bottom of what really happened the night of the Uchiha Massacre.

I dived back down into the pit I came from, moving to search for more potential documents, perhaps even recover the scattered papers I had seen when the ground started to shake violently underneath me. I tried to get out of the hole before it could collapse, but there was a loud snapping sound and whatever was keeping a piece of concrete above my head up in the air released the huge chunk of rock and I started to feel it push down on my body.

I quickly used my transportation jutsu and landed harshly on the ground next to Yamato. "Yamato," I growled in frustration as I stood up. "Uh oh," he squeaked out before I punched him in the head. "Damn it! What did I tell you about warning me before you used your jutsu to summon wood again! You almost took me out instead of a clone this time!" I shouted at him. "Ack, sorry sorry (Y/n)," Yamato muttered as he rubbed the knot of his head. The Jonin surrounding him laughed, "you made her mad again. When are you ever gonna learn?" they asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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