The Zombie Combo

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~(Y/n)'s p.o.v.~

The early sun rays of the third day after Asuma's death began to peak out from the edges of the earth as I made my way from my home to the gate. I wasn't too keen on this meet up time, but I also was part of the reason we were meeting up this early. The sooner we finished this, the sooner we could all put our thoughts of Asuma to rest, and I could get back to Sasuke. I didn't like leaving him alone with those three. Especially since he was now searching for Itachi.

I was just a little earlier than the rest due to my usual restlessness, so I waited on the outer edge of the gate for the others. I stifled a yawn and then heard movement as Team Asuma showed up ready to leave. "Alright let's head out," Shikamaru ordered and I was just about to walk out to them when Tsunade appeared almost exactly like Shikamaru and I had predicted. "Hold it!" she shouted out to us. The three of them turned to face her while I stayed at my spot on the fence. Did she even know I was here?

"You going somewhere?" she asked them. "Your mission directive still stands, right? I've just assembled a new team. We're going ahead with the mission," Shikamaru told her. I smirked, I loved the rare moments when Shikamaru decided to be a smart ass. I wished Temari could see him right now, she'd definitely think it was attractive. Temari... I already made a mental promise to her that Shikamaru would return home safely from this mission. They all would. No one except those fucking Akatsuki were dying today!

"Not without my approval, you're not. Shikamaru, you will be assigned to a troop of my choosing, and only when we have a solid plan of attack in place." she continued. I rolled my eyes at her, "give up now Tsunade. You're not stopping us," I thought to myself. "Listen, just send some reinforcements after us. The four of us have already worked out our own strategy." Shikamaru told her. "Four?" she questioned as she looked around. I took that as my cue to step forward and reveal myself. "Normally you can have a Chunin leader, but for a mission like this it's better for a Jonin to lead right?" I asked her.

"Absolutely not! You are the very last person who needs to be on this mission. You're even risking compromising your other mission to be here! I have half a mind to pull your rank from this insubordination (Y/n)!" she shouted at me. "Haha she's mad just as we predicted," I thought to myself as I remembered the lengthy conversation Shikamaru and I had about him telling me not to blame him when she yells at me.

We both knew I shouldn't be on this mission, but we both knew I wasn't going to not go on this mission either. So it was easier for everyone if they just went ahead and let me do what I wanted. When none of us spoke up she continued her rant/lecture, "grow up, you four. The shadow of death hangs over us all. Some deaths may be harder to accept than others, but unless you can get past that, there can be no future!" She lectured us. "And there won't be a future if we allow people to kill it!" I shouted back at her, startling the others.

"Asuma is dead, we get that. I have witnessed death more than these three combined. I watched my parents die, two of my Senseis have been killed, and I've had to take a life as well. Not to mention I've seen Choji here and several other of my friends on the brink of death. I'm the one who brought them back. I carried their bleeding lifeless bodies back. Don't tell me to fucking grow up Tsunade because I have. I'm not doing this out of revenge, that's where you got it wrong again. I'm simply tired of these fuckers killing everyone around me who dares try to protect me. The bounty on his head was just a simple added bonus to them. Didn't the events in Sunagakure teach you anything? The only reason they manage to defeat each jinjuriki isn't because they are simply strong. It's because the jinjuriki fight alone. But I'm not going in alone. I have a team and we're ready to go," I told her.

"Be that as it may, I still can't let you go without..," "of course I'll be going as well," Kakashi claimed, surprising all of us. What the hell was he doing up this early in the first place!? He was leaning up on the entrance of the gate and stood up straight once his presence had been spotted. "You don't want (Y/n) to face an Akatsuki group without all the help she can get. So send me. I have a lot of experience fighting alongside (Y/n) and I've had to babysit her in the past before, so it'll be nothing new to me," he claimed as he walked over to us.

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