An Unusual Partnership

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~Jugo's p.o.v.~

"Her chakra changed again. Honestly where does that woman go all the time!? It's suspicious as hell," Karin growled as she looked up at the ceiling. "She's a contract killer who gets constant offers. If she doesn't take them when given they'll stop coming in. Sasuke's already explained that to us Karin. Give the kid a break," Suigetsu commented tiredly. "I know what he said, but that doesn't mean I'm going to trust her. I don't trust any of you here," Karin claimed.

"She is strange, the animals I've talked to say she has a gentle soul, but they also sense danger within her. They say she's a lot like me," I admitted. "Yeah, no offense, big guy, but that doesn't help. If you guys could sense what I sense from her... You wouldn't be taking her lightly. I don't know what she wants with Sasuke, but it can't be good," Karin continued to rant.

I was worried she might trigger another episode of mine, so I decided to leave the room and go up to the roof. Kuina had been up there for a while, I wondered if she really was okay. Once on the roof, it was easy to spot Kuina's kimono swaying in the wind from its drying rack, but the curious thing was Kuina resting next to the water tank nearby. Or at least she looked like she was resting. The mask made telling things about her difficult.

However, her legs were criss-crossed with her arms crossed in front of her chest and her head was bobbing slightly. Clear signs she had fallen asleep. That's when it finally clicked with me. She'd been going non stop since I met her three days ago, and then she left late last night only to return in the evening covered in blood from another fight. She said she didn't do much in this second fight, but who knows what damage happened in the first one. Although she didn't look like she had any wounds when she washed up in the stream earlier, there definitely had to be some emotional scars.

She claimed she didn't care for the guy who was killed, that he was simply a business partner, but Suigetsu said her entire demeanor changed after she got the news. She may not want us to know it, but she just lost a friend and clearly getting revenge for him had exhausted her. I crouched down in front of her form. She was muscular and fit, but the clothes she chose to wear were way too big causing her to look smaller than what she truly was. That was probably a strategy of hers to get her enemies to underestimate her, but even without looking at her face, I could tell she was young. It was hard to tell, but she was definitely somewhere between 15 and 22.

She said she hated people like Orochimaru, yet did she really like the person she became without their help? Was there a difference in what Orochimaru would have done with her, and what was done to her already? I watched as the bird on my shoulder flew over and landed on her mask. It chirped for a moment and then tapped its beak on her mask. "Hey, don't do that, let her rest," I lectured the creature. It flew away as Kuina's posture straightened up, clearly awake now.

"How long have you been standing there Jugo? Gonna give a girl a heart attack," she claimed tiredly. "Sorry. Karin and Suigetsu are at it again, so I decided to come up here to see why you hadn't come back down yet. I didn't mean to wake you. You've had a rough couple of days huh?" I asked. She didn't say anything, only looked up at me. "I know sorry, I shouldn't pry." I apologized as I began to walk away.

"I got you something while I was out the other day," she said, catching my attention once more. "Me?" I asked as I turned around to look at her again confused. She nodded her head and pulled out her scroll to summon her bag. She really must be paranoid on a whole other level to be sealing away even the basics of her things. She rummaged in it before a smile formed on her face and she held out a small brown pouch for me. "You seem to always be calmer around animals, and I know a person who has the best bird seed. I happened to cross his path on my mission and got some for you," she claimed.

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